CLEVER: A Trivia and Strategy Game for Enterprise Knowledge Learning


Elm, D. , Tondello, G. F. , Kappen, D. L. , Ganaba, M. , & Nacke, L. E. . (2016). CLEVER: A Trivia and Strategy Game for Enterprise Knowledge Learning. In Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Extended Abstracts - CHI PLAY EA '16. ACM. Retrieved from


Knowledge management (KM) includes the acquisition, sharing, and dissemination of knowledge within a company. The problem with many enterprise KM systems is that they are complex and hardly used, because workers lack motivation to engage in a collaborative process of knowledge sharing and learning. To address this, we developed a gameful learning component of an enterprise KM system (KMS). Our game features an innovative combination of trivia and strategy elements, put together to afford motivation within a KMS. It can be played by employees in the same organization to foster collaborative knowledge exchange and learning.


Publisher's Version

Last updated on 07/12/2019