
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Park, S. J., H. Lee, S., & T. Yoon, I.. (2002). The evaluation of enhanced nitrification by immobilized biofilm on a clinoptilolite carrier. Bioresource Technology, 82, 183-189. doi:10.1016/S0960-8524(01)00160-2
H. Lee, S., S. Park, J., & T. Yoon, I. I.. (2002). Letter to the Editor (multiple letters) [1]. Bioresource Technology, 83, 263-269. doi:10.1016/S0960-8524(01)00213-9
Lee, H. S., Yoon, T. I., & Kim, C. G.. (2002). Comment on "Comparison of the filtration characteristics between attached and suspended microorganisms in submerged membrane bioreactor". Water Research, 36, 4938-4939. doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(02)00039-8
Lee, H. S., Park, S. J., & Yoon, T. I.. (2002). Comment on "Influence on different natural zeolite concentration on the anaerobic digestion of piggery waste" (Bioresource Technology 80 (2001) 37-43). Bioresource technology, 83, 263-265; author reply 267-269. Retrieved from
Lee, H. S., Park, S. J., & Yoon, T. I.. (2002). Wastewater treatment in a hybrid biological reactor using powdered minerals: Effects of organic loading rates on COD removal and nitrification. Process Biochemistry, 38, 81-88. doi:10.1016/S0032-9592(02)00044-4
Lee, H. S., Cho, K. C., & Yoon, T. I.. (2003). Comment on "The effect of kaolin particles on the behavior of nitrifying activated sludge units". Bioresource Technology, 86, 99-104. doi:10.1016/S0960-8524(02)00156-6
Lee, H. S., Kim, C. G., & Yoon, T. I.. (2003). Comment on "the interaction of humic substances with cationic polyelectrolytes". Water Research, 37, 715-716. doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(02)00355-X
Kim, C. G., Lee, H. S., & Yoon, T. I.. (2003). Resource recovery of sludge as a micro-media in an activated sludge process. Advances in Environmental Research, 7, 629-633. doi:10.1016/S1093-0191(02)00046-1
Yoon, T. I., Lee, H. S., & Kim, C. G.. (2004). Comparison of pilot scale performances between membrane bioreactor and hybrid conventional wastewater treatment systems. Journal of Membrane Science, 242, 5-12. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2004.02.040
Lee, H. S., Chung, J., & Rittmann, B. E.. (2006). Comment on "Fermentative hydrogen production with Clostridium butyricum CGS5 isolated from anaerobic sewage sludge". International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31, 1797-1798. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2006.04.002
Lee, H. - S., Parameswaran, P., Kato-Marcus, A., Torres, C. - I., & Rittmann, B. E.. (2008). Evaluation of energy-conversion efficiencies in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) utilizing fermentable and non-fermentable substrates. Water Research, 42, 1501-1510. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2007.10.036
Lee, H. - S., Salerno, M. B., & Rittmann, B. E.. (2008). Thermodynamic evaluation on H2 production in glucose fermentation. Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 2401-2407. doi:10.1021/es702610v
Torres, C. I., Lee, H. - S., & Rittmann, B. E.. (2008). Carbonate species as OH- carriers for decreasing the pH gradient between cathode and anode in biological fuel cells. Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 8773-8777. doi:10.1021/es8019353
Rittmann, B. E., Lee, H. - S., Zhang, H., Alder, J., Banaszak, J. E., & Lopez, R.. (2008). Full-scale application of focused-pulsed pre-treatment for improving biosolids digestion and conversion to methane. Water Science and Technology, 58, 1895-1901. doi:10.2166/wst.2008.547
Lee, H. - S., Torres, C. I., & Rittmann, B. E.. (2009). Effects of substrate diffusion and anode potential on kinetic parameters for anode-respiring bacteria. Environmental Science and Technology, 43, 7571-7577. doi:10.1021/es9015519
Lee, H. - S., Krajmalinik-Brown, R., Zhang, H., & Rittmann, B. E.. (2009). An electron-flow model can predict complex redox reactions in mixed-culture fermentative BioH2: Microbial ecology evidence. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 104, 687-697. doi:10.1002/bit.22442
Lee, H. - S., & Rittmann, B. E.. (2009). Evaluation of metabolism using stoichiometry in fermentative biohydrogen. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 102, 749-758. doi:10.1002/bit.22107
Lee, H. - S., Torres, C. I., Parameswaran, P., & Rittmann, B. E.. (2009). Fate of H2 in an upflow single-chamber microbial electrolysis cell using a metal-catalyst-free cathode. Environmental Science and Technology, 43, 7971-7976. doi:10.1021/es900204j
Parameswaran, P., Torres, C. I., Lee, H. - S., Krajmalnik-Brown, R., & Rittmann, B. E.. (2009). Syntrophic interactions among anode respiring bacteria (ARB) and non-ARB in a biofilm anode: Electron balances. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 103, 513-523. doi:10.1002/bit.22267
Salerno, M. B., Lee, H. - S., Parameswaran, P., & Rittmann, B. E.. (2009). Using a pulsed electric field as a pretreatment for improved biosolids digestion and methanogenesis. Water Environment Research, 81, 831-839. doi:10.2175/106143009X407366
