
Big Endeavours

  • Lotide: A mini clone of the Lodash library.
  • Snake: The client side of a multiplayer Snake game.
  • TinyApp: A full stack web application built with Node and Express that allows users to login/signup and add long URLs with a short nickname.
  • Tweeter:  A simple, single-page Twitter clone.
  • LighthouseBnB: A simple, single-page AirBnB clone.
  • Quiz App: A full stack web application built with Node and Express that lets users create and share quizzes between friends. The creator of the quiz can view and share all the results at the end of the quiz.
  • Interview Scheduler: A react application that allows users to book, edit or cancel interview.
  • Jungle: A mini e-commerce application built with Rails 6.1 to practice working with existing code with a new language/framework.
  • PharmAli: A full stack web application built with React and Express that allows user to search for pharmaceutical drugs for their drug-drug interactions as well as create and view blogs and journals.

Tiny Endeavours

  • Sum Largest Numbers: Sum two laregest in an array.
  • Conditional Sums: Sum the numbers in an array satisfying the given condition (even or odd).
  • Vowels: Checks the number of vowels in a string.
  • Instructors Names: Returns the information on the instructor with the longest name.
  • Encoded String: Adds %20 to empty parts of the string.
  • Smart Parking: Returns spot to park at, if available.
  • Air Quality Checker: Checks if the air is polluted given a threshold and a number of samples.
  • Repeating Numbers: Repeats the given list of numbers for the specified number of times.
  • Camel Case Converter: Turn a string into camel case.
  • Multiplication Table Creator: Returns multiplication tables from 1 to the maxValue.
  • Bouncy Castle: Sums the volume of different shapes (sphere, cone, prism).
  • Bake-off: Given a list of recipes and list of ingredients from 2 bakeries, returns the recipe that uses an ingredient from each bakery.
  • Talking Calender: Given a date in dd/mm/year format returns the date in month day, year format.
  • Change Calculator: Provides a cashier information on what type of bills and coins to return.
  • Organizing Instructors: Given a list of instructors and courses they are teaching, returns the list of instructors teaching a given course.
  • Case Maker: Returns the string converted to the different styles specified.
  • URL Decoder: Decodes a given url.
  • Text Obfuscator: Returns the provided message in square code.
  • Queen Threat Detector: Tells whether a queen and attack one another based on the position given.
  • Taxicab Locator: Returns the final position of a taxicab w.r.t the initial position, given a list of directions.
  • Number Guesser: Prompts the user to guess the number the computer generated.
  • String Reverse Convertor: Reverses the string.
  • Pig Latin Translator: Turn a phrase into pig latin.
  • Password Obfuscator: Obfuscate password with a given set of rules.
  • Raisin Checker: Checks if there's raisin in a chocolate chip cookie matrix.
  • Sales & Tax Calculator: Calculates sales tax of a company provided sales and province.
  • Social Network Analyzer: Functions that look at different aspects of the social network (eg. who's most popular).
  • Music Library: Put all the functions for the music library in one object.
  • Recursive Sum: Write and test function that sums numbers from a to b.
  • Sum Array of Numbers: Sums the items of an array.
  • Value Swapper: Swap the values of two keys in an object.
  • To Do List: Functions that mimic asynchronous code.
  • Stock Market: Given a list of stock prices for a given day, returns the maximum profit that could have been made by buying a stock at the given price and then selling the stock later on.
  • Popping Bottles Calculator: Determine total number of bottles of pop that can be redeemed given a customer's investment.
  • LightCoin: Create a banking system that can create an account class with two transaction classes (deposit and withdrawal).
  • Caesar Cipher: Encrypt the given plain-text with the key provided.
  • Timer: An interactive timer that beeps after x-seconds provided by the user.
  • Profile Generator: A survey app which asks the user questions to generate a profile description.
  • Transpose Matrix: Get transpose of a matrix.
  • Page Fetcher: Fetch data from external API and write it to a file in the local filesystem.
  • Word Search: Debug and test a function that looks for a word in a matrix of letters.
  • File Server: File server gets local data to a client using a server.
  • ISS Spotter: Determine the next 5 upcoming ISS fly overs for the user's current location using asynchronous approach.
  • Bootcampx: Create database, add tables, seeds and query the data.
  • Tree Traversal: Create a class of vampires with a variety of methods that use tree traversal to find or determine relations of different vampires.
  • Task Tracker: Create a react application that allows users to create, check and delete tasks in a to-do list.
  • Tourney Matches: React app to display the score of different players and games in tourney match.