Sustainability and Transformative Energy Systems


Rowlands, Ian H, and Bala Venkatesh. 2022. “Sustainability and Transformative Energy Systems”. In Planning and Operation of Active Distribution Networks: Technical, Social and Environmental Aspects, Springer Cham, p. 439-454.


Inventions and improvements of advanced energy technologies—technologies that power active networks, that catalyze greater use of renewable resources, that improve energy efficiency, and that are developed synergistically with broad sustainability goals—are necessary to improve local, national, and global well-being. Indeed, all dimensions of ‘energy sustainability’—including the historically-overlooked issue of social acceptance—are critical. Events during 2020 highlighted further many elements of the contemporary sustainability agenda. Because energy is central to human existence and well-being, and because the sustainable provision of critical energy services will continue to be a key priority for communities in the future, those working in the energy sector must ensure that sustainability considerations are integrated into their work. This article offers perspectives and insights to guide this integration.


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