
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Li, J., Gao, J., Zhang, H., & Qiu, T. Z.. (2018). RSE-Assisted Lane-Level Positioning Method for a Connected Vehicle Environment. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. IEEE.
Li, Q., Zhao, L., Gao, J., Liang, H., Zhao, L., & Tang, X.. (2018). SMDP-based coordinated virtual machine allocations in cloud-fog computing systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5, 1977–1988. IEEE.
Li, Q., Gao, J., Wen, J., Tang, X., Zhao, L., & Sun, L.. (2018). SMDP-based downlink packet scheduling scheme for solar energy assisted heterogeneous networks. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData) (pp. 268–273). IEEE.
Gao, J., Li, M., He, P., & Zhao, L.. (2017). Incentive for Distributed Optimization in Multi-User Network: A Study of Two Scenarios. In 2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall) (pp. 1–5). IEEE.
Li, J., Gao, J., & Qiu, T. Z.. (2016). Improving intersection throughput using connected vehicles. In Resilient Infrastructure: CSCE Annual Conference, London.
Li, J., Gao, J., Zhang, H., & Qiu, T. Z.. (2016). A rse-assisted gps-rss hybrid lane-level positioning system for connected vehicles.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., Jiang, H., & H Poor, V.. (2015). Worst-case jamming on MIMO Gaussian channels. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 63, 5821–5836. IEEE.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., & Jiang, H.. (2014). Efficient strategies for single/multi-target jamming on MIMO Gaussian channels. arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.3569.
Gao, J.. (2014). Efficiency and Security Analysis in Multi-User Wireless Communication Systems: Cooperation, Competition and Malicious Behavior.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., & Jiang, H.. (2014). Efficient jamming strategies on a MIMO Gaussian channel with known target signal covariance. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 5700–5704). IEEE.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., Jiang, H., Zhang, J., & Haardt, M.. (2013). Sum-rate maximization with minimum power consumption for MIMO DF two-way relaying—Part I: Relay optimization. IEEE transactions on signal processing, 61, 3563–3577. IEEE.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., Jiang, H., Zhang, J., & Haardt, M.. (2013). Sum-rate maximization with minimum power consumption for MIMO DF two-way relaying—part II: network optimization. IEEE transactions on signal processing, 61, 3578–3591. IEEE.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., Jiang, H., Zhang, J., & Haardt, M.. (2013). Sum-rate maximization with minimum power consumption for MIMO DF two-way relaying—Part I: Relay optimization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61, 3563–3577. IEEE.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., Jiang, H., Zhang, J., & Haardt, M.. (2013). Sum-rate maximization with minimum power consumption for MIMO DF two-way relaying—part II: network optimization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61, 3578–3591. IEEE.
Gao, J., Zhang, J., Vorobyov, S. A., Jiang, H., & Haardt, M.. (2012). Power allocation/beamforming for DF MIMO two-way relaying: Relay and network optimization. In 2012 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (pp. 5657–5662). IEEE.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., & Jiang, H.. (2011). Game theory in multiuser wireless communications. Book Chapter.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., & Jiang, H.. (2011). Game theory in multiuser wireless communications. Game Theory for Wireless Communications and Networking, Y. Zhang and M ….
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., & Jiang, H.. (2011). Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium in two-user resource allocation games. In 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings (pp. 2716–2720). IEEE.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., Jiang, H., & Guizani, M.. (2011). Game Theory in Multi-User Wireless Communications. In Game Theory for Wireless Communications and Networking (pp. 3-25). CRC Press. Retrieved from
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., & Jiang, H.. (2010). Cooperative resource allocation games under spectral mask and total power constraints. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 58, 4379–4395. IEEE.
