
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., & Jiang, H.. (2010). Pareto-optimal solutions of Nash bargaining resource allocation games with spectral mask and total power constraints. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (pp. 3146–3149). IEEE.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., & Jiang, H.. (2009). Cooperative Precoding/Resource Allocation Games under Spectral Mask and Total Power Constraints. arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.2847.
Gao, J.. (2009). Cooperative linear precoding for spectrum sharing in multi-user wireless systems: game theoretic approach.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., & Jiang, H.. (2009). Game theory for precoding in a multi-user system: Bargaining for overall benefits. In 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (pp. 2361–2364). IEEE.
Gao, J., Vorobyov, S. A., & Jiang, H.. (2008). Game theoretic solutions for precoding strategies over the interference channel. In IEEE GLOBECOM 2008-2008 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (pp. 1–5). IEEE.
