
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Valcarcel, B., Avilez, J. L., J Torres-Roman, S., Poterico, J. A., Bazalar-Palacios, J., & La Vecchia, C.. (2020). The effect of early-stage public health policies on the transmission of COVID-19 in South American countries. Pan American Journal of Public Health. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Retrieved from
Solís-Villanueva, J., Michahelles-Barreno, C., Rodríguez-Lay, E. Giovanna, Farfán-García, J., Anticona-Sayán, M., Curo-Carrión, N., Avilez, J. L., et al. (2019). Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de neuropatía diabética periférica en pacientes recientemente diagnosticados de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en un hospital nacional. Revista de la Sociedad Peruana de Medicina Interna, 32(1), 6-10. Retrieved from
J Torres-Roman, S., Urrunaga-Pastor, D., Avilez, J. L., Helguero-Santin, L. M., & Malaga, G.. (2018). Geographic differences in overweight and obesity prevalence in Peruvian children, 2010–2015. BMC public health, 18, 353. Springer.
Avilez, J. L., Lopez, L. M., Llanos, O., Matayoshi, S., & Accinelli, R. A.. (2017). Chronic Bronchitis, But Not Emphysema, Related To Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Is Associated With Biomass Exposure In A High Altitude Rural Setting. In B48. COPD AND COMORBIDITIES (pp. A3654–A3654). American Thoracic Society.
J Torres-Roman, S., Azañedo, D., Ruiz, E. F., Avilez, J. L., & Malaga, G.. (2017). The double burden of malnutrition: a threat for Peruvian childhood. Gaceta Sanitaria, 31, 359–360. SciELO Public Health.
J Torres-Roman, S., Azañedo, D., Ruiz, E. F., Avilez, J. L., Malaga, G., & Machicado, C.. (2017). Human papillomavirus-associated oropharyngeal cancer: Prioritizing preventive policies in males. Oral Oncology, 69, 129–130.
J Torres-Roman, S., Bazalar-Palacios, J., Ruiz, E. F., Avilez, J. L., & Rodriguez-Morales, A. J.. (2017). New strategies for the eradication of Aedes aegypti: what challenges do we face in Latin America?. Le infezioni in medicina: rivista periodica di eziologia, epidemiologia, diagnostica, clinica e terapia delle patologie infettive, 25, 193.
J Torres-Roman, S., Helguero-Santin, L. M., Bazalar-Palacios, J., Avilez, J. L., & Dávila-Hernández, C. Alberto. (2017). Sobrepeso y obesidad en estudiantes de medicina.?` Un nuevo reto al sistema de salud peruano?. salud pública de méxico, 59, 207–208. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública.
Avilez, J. L., Zevallos-Morales, A., & Taype-Rondan, A.. (2017). Use of enhancement drugs amongst athletes and television celebrities and public interest in androgenic anabolic steroids. Exploring two Peruvian cases with Google Trends. Public health, 146, 29.
J Miranda, J., Carrillo-Larco, R. M., Gilman, R. H., Avilez, J. L., Smeeth, L., Checkley, W., & Bernabe-Ortiz, A.. (2016). Patterns and determinants of physical inactivity in rural and urban areas in Peru: a population-based study. Journal of physical activity and health, 13, 654–662. Human Kinetics, Inc.
Avilez, J. L., Bazalar, J., Azañedo, D., & J Miranda, J.. (2016). Perú, cambio climático y enfermedades no trasmisibles:?` Dónde estamos ya dónde vamos?. Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública, 33, 143–148. SciELO Public Health.
Carrillo-Larco, R. M., Espinoza-Salguero, M. E., Avilez, J., & Osada, J.. (2015). Nivel de conocimiento y frecuencia de autoexamen de mama en alumnos de los primeros años de la carrera de Medicina. Revista Medica Herediana, 26, 209–216. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.