Terry, J. , & Bachmann, C. . (2018). Short-Term Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles on Canadian Government Finances. In CTRF 53rd Annual Conference. Canadian Transportation Research Forum.
Canadian transportation systems are undergoing rapid disruptions on multiple frontiers, transitioning from low-occupancy vehicles on the road network and overstretched public transit systems in urban areas, to an uncertain future that includes ride-sharing services and autonomous vehicles. Vehicles are already being introduced with some levels of advanced automation, and it is not clear what impact these vehicles will have on the transportation system, society, the environment, and the economy. Previous research into the economic impacts of autonomous vehicles focuses on cost savings from reductions in vehicle collisions and traffic congestion, but are limited in characterizing how these disruptions might impact government finances. This paper connects potential autonomous vehicle adoption scenarios to government budgets, identifying risks in existing funding models. Existing adoption rate forecasts are combined with Canadian government financial data to quantify the impact of the scenarios identified in the existing literature. By connecting potential disruption scenarios to government budgets, the short-term fiscal outlook of existing public revenues and expenses are determined. Some insight into how the short-term impacts may indirectly impact other areas of concern in public policy are also provided.