Recruited to Teach Undergraduate Courses in
- Earth Sciences or Geology, Geography, and the Environment at
- 3 different universities (University of Toronto, Wilfrid Laurier University, and University of Waterloo) in
- 2 difference faculties (Science and Arts) in
- 4 departments in special contracts and
- numerous guest lectures, including those at Indiana University and
- teaching since 2004.
Currently Teaching at UWaterloo...
- Earth 121 online Introductory Earth Sciences
- Earth 121 lecture Introductory Earth Sciences
- Earth 235 Stratigraphic Approaches to Understanding Earth History
- Earth 390 Methods in Geological Field Mapping
- Earth 436A and 436B Honours Undergraduate Thesis (numerous thesis students)

Total University classes taught since 2004 (arranged by topic):
Introductory Geology (UW-EES, UTM-CPS and WLU-GES)
- UW-EES Earth121 online Introductory Earth Sciences
- UW-EES Earth121 lecture Introductory Earth Sciences
- UW-EES Earth 121L Introductory Earth Sciences Lab
- UTM-CPS ERS120 Planet Earth
- UTM-CPS ERS103 Geology and Public Issues
- WLU-GES GL101 The Anatomy of Earth
- WLU-GES GL102 Surface of Earth
Introductory Physical Geography (UTM-G and WLU-GES)
- UTM-G GGR117 Where on Earth?
- WLU-GES GG101 Intro. Phys. Geog.
Natural Hazards (UTM-CPS and WLU-GES)
- UTM-CPS ERS317 Geological Hazards
- WLU-GES GG231 Risks and Disasters
Weather and Climate (UTM-G and WLU-GES)
- UTM-G GGR214 Global Weather and Climate
- UTM-G GGR377 Global Climate Change
- WLU-GES GG389 Climate Change
Field Techniques (UW-EES and WLU-GES)
- UW-EES Earth390 Methods in Geological Field Mapping
- WLU-GES GG399 Third Year Field Studies
- WLU-GES GG380 Field & Lab Tech. in Phy. Geog.
Environmental (UTM-CPS)
- UTM-CPS ERS315 Environmental Geology
Sedimentology/Stratigraphy/Structural (UW-EES and UTM-CPS)
- UW-EES Earth333 Sedimentology
- UW-EES Earth235 Stratigraphic Approaches to Understanding Earth History
- UTM-CPS ERS202 Structural Geology
Special Topics (UW-EES, UTM-G and WLU-GES)
- UW-EES Earth691 Coastal Geology
- UW-EES Earth691 Geology of the Great Lakes
- UW-EES Earth 436A and 436B Honours Undergraduate Thesis
- UW-EES Earth 499 Research Project
- UTM-G GGR479 Coastal Processes
- UTM-G GGR489 Lake Level Change
- WLU-GES GG450 Thesis
Acronyms for three academic institutions and four departments:
- UW-EES: University of Waterloo, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences.
- WLU-GES: Wilfrid Laurier University, Dept. of Geography & Environmental Studies.
- UTM-CPS: University of Toronto – Mississauga, Dept. of Chemical & Physical Sciences.
- UTM-G: University of Toronto – Mississauga, Dept. of Geography.