2023-2024. University of Waterloo Lite Grant. Primary Investigator. Awarded $7,500 in grant funds and $6,000 matching funds from the Dean of Engineering Office to examine “Stakeholder Café: Providing Opportunities for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement to Support Capstone Design.” This research is aimed at (1) implementing a student-stakeholder interaction opportunity for students undertaking their capstone design projects, and (2) assessing its merits from the student and stakeholder perspective. This research is being done in collaboration with Dr. Jenny Howcroft. 2021-2024. D2L Innovation Guild Grant Co- Primary Investigator. Awarded $40,500 in grant funds to examine “Surveying Land-Based Learning in Canadian Universities” This project is in collaboration with the University of Manitoba working to understand best practices in land-based learning, developing strategies for land-based learning in engineering in collaboration with Dr. Kari Zacharias, Dr. Jillian Seniuk-Cicek, Dr. Mary Robinson, & Sean Bailey. 2021- 2023. University of Waterloo Lite Grant. Co- Investigator. Awarded $4,500 in grant funds to examine “Understanding Current Empathy-Based Pedagogy in Engineering Education.” This project surveys University of Waterloo faculty on how empathy is embedded in current engineering courses done in collaboration with Dr. Jenny Howcroft partnering with the Associate Dean, Teaching, Faculty of Engineering. 2021. eCampus Ontario Virtual Learning Strategy Digital Content Creation Grant. Primary Investigator. Awarded $40,000 to develop and design a suite of open education resources entitled, “Critical information and digital literacy skills for engineers.” Grant awarded in collaboration with Queen’s University and the University of Toronto. 2021. eCampus Ontario Virtual Learning Strategy Digital Content Creation Grant. Content Creator for “Academic Integrity for Undergraduate STEM Students.” Academic Integrity for Academic STEM Students.” Awarded $40,000 to develop and design a suite of open education resources entitled, in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team. Grant awarded in collaboration with McMaster University, Queen’s University, University of Guelph, University of Ottawa, University of Toronto, and University of Windsor. 2015. Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation. Primary Investigator. Awarded $30,000 to develop and deliver a series of Health Literacy Workshops delivered at the School of Pharmacy, and throughout the Kitchener-Waterloo Community. |