
I have served in a wide variety of capacities to serve my profession, my institution, and my department, and most importantly, to help cultivate more inclusive institutional and disciplinary cultures. Below is a list of selected service activities.

Service to the Profession

International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS), Board member, 2021-2023.

International Consortium of Socially Relevant Philosophy of/in Science and Engineering (SRPoiSE), Co-founder & Board member, 2013 – present.

Public Philosophy Network (PPN) Program committee, 2018-19.

Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) Public Forum committee, “Data for Whose Good: Values and Accountability in Data Science,” 2017-18.


Conference & Event Organizing

Lead organizer for “Summit on Responsible Innovation and Technology” at the University of Waterloo, October 2019.

Co-organizer for “Responsible AI” panel at the Centre for International Governance and Innovation (with Rob Gorbet), November 2018.

Lead organizer for “Communities of Integration,” a joint conference of the International Consortium of Socially Relevant Philosophy of/in Science and Engineering (SRPoiSE), Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR), Studies of Experience and Expertise (SEE), and the Toolbox Dialogue Initiative (TDI), Kitchener, Ontario, June 2014.

Lead organizer for "How Philosophers of Science Can Take up Socially Relevant Roles," workshop at the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA), November 2008.

Lead organizer for "Making Philosophy of Science More Socially Relevant," a mini-conference at the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association (APA), March 2008.


University Service

2023-present              Department Chair, Knowledge Integration

2024-present              Faculty of Environment Awards Committee Chair

2020-21                      Faculty of Environment Student Perception Survey committee

2019-20                      University of Waterloo Interdisciplinary Task Force

2018-20                      Council for Responsible Innovation & Technology (CRIT)

2014-19                       Research Ethics and Integrity Advisory Committee (REIAC)

2018-19                       Director, Science and Technology in Society Teaching Group (STSTG)

2013-19                       Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies, Knowledge Integration

2015-17                       Faculty of Environment HeForShe Committee

2011-12                       Faculty Association University of Waterloo Board Member (FAUW)

2010-12                       Status of Women and Equity Committee (SWEC)