
Author [ Title(Asc)] Type Year
Pellerin, S. , Ollier-Malaterre, A. , Cousineau, L. S. , Kossek, E. , Lavoie, C. E. , Afota, M. C. , Beham, B. , et al. (2023). The Right to Disconnect: A Policy Innovation First Step. Stanford Social Innovation Review, (Winter), 41-45. Retrieved from 2023_-_pellerin_et_al_-_the_right_to_disconnect.pdf
Cousineau, L. S. , & Mondon, A. . (Accepted). Navigating a feminist ethics of care, ethnographic methods, and academic activism in researching men’s rights and the far right: a researcher’s struggles. In The Ethics of Researching the Far & Extreme Right. Manchester University Press.
Cousineau, L. , & Chambers, L. . (2015). How Expectations Do Not Equate with Practice: The Gendered Reality of the Female Resident Assistant. Journal of College & University Student Housing, 41(2), 28-43. Retrieved from
Johnson, C. W. , B. Kivel, D. , & Cousineau, L. S. . (2018). The History and Methodological Tradition(s) of Collective Memory Work. In Collective Memory Work: A Methodology for Learning with and from ‘Others’. Routledge.
Spencer, C. , McKeown, J. , & Cousineau, L. S. . (2022). From #Gamergate to #Feminism: Gender & Leisure. In Diversity & the Recreation Profession: Organizational Perspectives (4thth ed., pp. 51-68). Sagamore-Venture. Retrieved from 2022_-_schultz_mckeown_cousineau_-_from_gamergate_to_feminism-_gender_and_leisure.pdf
Soucie, S. M. A. , Parry, D. C. , & Cousineau, L. S. . (2018). The Fourth Wave: What #MeToo can teach us about Millennial Mobilization, Intersectionality, and Men’s Accountability. In Feminisms in Leisure Studies: Advancing a Fourth Wave. Routledge.
Morandin, G. , Russo, M. , Ollier-Malaterre, A. , Kossek, E. , Afota, M. C. , Cousineau, L. S. , Lavoie, C. E. , et al. (2023). Diritto e volontà di disconnessione, due elementi che devono viaggiare in parallelo. Harvard Business Review Italia, Aprile, 106-107.
Cousineau, L. S. . (2022). Digital Research for Social Justice. In Fostering Social Justice through Qualitative Inquiry: A Methodological Guide (2ndnd ed., pp. 231-250). Routledge. Retrieved from
Parry, D. C. , Cousineau, L. S. , Johnson, C. W. , & Fullagar, S. . (2018). Digital Dilemmas: Transforming gender identities and power relations in everyday life. In Digital Dilemmas: Transforming gender identities and power relations in everyday life (pp. 1-19). Palgrave Press.
Cousineau, L. S. , Mock, S. E. , & Glover, T. D. . (2018). Camper Self-Concept Promotes Environmental Awareness: A Relationship Mediated by Social Inclusion. Journal of Youth Development, 13(1-2), 144-160. Retrieved from
