
CHE 121: Engineering Computation





Course Description:

Introduction to digital computers, hardware and software organization. Programming fundamentals. Algorithms and control structures. Computer communication. Spreadsheets for problem solving, plotting, fitting data, building new functions, and making iterations and loops. Problem solution, plotting, and creating complex programs in a programming environment. Elementary numerical methods (e.g. Taylor series summations, roots of equations, roots of polynomials, system of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, integration). Applications in Chemical Engineering...

Read more about CHE 121: Engineering Computation

NE 336: Micro and Nano Systems Computer-Aided Design





Course Description:

Modeling and simulation. Lumped versus distributed approaches. Review of differential-equation systems, constitutive relations, boundary conditions, and solvers for complex, coupled transport problems pertinent to micro and nanosystems. Coupling strategies. Numerical schemes for nonlinear systems. Basic modeling and simulation of micro and nanosystems, and fluidic systems. Relevant nanotechnology applications: optical, thermal, mechanical, and fluidic microstructures, and nanoscale devices.


Read more about NE 336: Micro and Nano Systems Computer-Aided Design

NE 113: Engineering Computation





Course Description:

Engineering Computation is an entry level course into digital computers, and hardware and software organization. It covers programming fundamentals, algorithms and control structures, computer communication and problem solving by plotting, fitting data, building new functions and creating iterations and loops. The primary software for the course is MATLAB, which will be utilized to problem solve, create plots, and design more complex programs in the programming environment. The aforementioned material will be applied in MATLAB and more advanced functions...

Read more about NE 113: Engineering Computation