DAC 300|ENGL 303|SPCOM 300: Intro. to Game Design (Special Topics Digital Design)





Introduction to Game Design is a course that explores the fundamentals of game design. The emphasis of this class is on creating several non-digital (not computer) games. Similar to the fundamentals classes that fine art students might take in figure drawing or color theory as part of their education to become visual artists, this class remains rooted squarely in the basics of game design. It focuses on the essentials shared by all games that are fundamental for a game designer working in any medium, from sports to board games to computer and video games.

Although the focus of the course is on the creation of non-digital games, digital games will also be discussed in class. The lectures and tutorials provide students with a broad theoretical and conceptual understanding of the field of game design and development along with practical exercises to train creating a game. As a game designer, students need to provide information to players about the content of their game, about how to play it (the things they need to do to progress in the game and the rules), and about the winning conditions. Students need to motivate people to play their games in the first place. Players need to feel empowered by the choices offered by their game and designing a game is essentially about designing meaningful and interesting choices for players. Students are expected to create several smaller non-digital games throughout the course.

2016f-dac300-syllabus.pdf202 KB
2016f-dac300-syllabus-graduate.pdf206 KB