
Neurodiversity and Care Work, at Care and the Recovery Economy: A Roundtable hosted by the Institute for Gender and the Economy, University of Toronto (Jan 26-7, Feb 2-3, 2022), Wednesday, February 2, 2022:

This presentation contributed to conversations about the care economy and what research and policies we need in the pandemic/ recovery period. Some overall considerations of this brief talk focused on how to

i) complicate ideas of "care giver" and "care recipient",

ii) recognize the many forms of care work done by as well as with and for neurodiversity-identified/ neurodivergent people,

iii) identify systemic inadequacies as producing the need for care work such as advocacy and activism, and

iv) examine how restricted care policies (such as...

Read more about Neurodiversity and Care Work
VIDEO: Challenging practices in social services and education Friday, November 5, 2021:

Here is the YouTube link for a presentation by Neurodiversity Matters PI Meg Gibson, given online on November 5, 2021. You can find the slides attached. 


What is neurodiversity and why does it matter? This talk presents findings from a research project about how people are using the idea and language of neurodiversity. The team...

Read more about VIDEO: Challenging practices in social services and education
VIDEO: Decolonizing Neurodiversity? Implications for Social Work Education, at CASWE-ACFTS Conference 2021, Thursday, June 3, 2021:


  • Lead Presenter - Margaret F. Gibson
  • Co-Presenter - Izumi Sakamoto
  • Co-Presenter - Hannah Monroe

 In this presentation, we discuss whether and how the term and ideas of neurodiversity might continue to exclude some within the community, particularly along the lines of race, perceived “functioning”, and gender. We ask, what might it mean to “decolonize” neurodiversity?

Read more about VIDEO: Decolonizing Neurodiversity? Implications for Social Work Education
SHORT FILM AND PODCAST: Storying Neurodiversity: Critical Reflections Through Field Education, at CASWE-ACFTS Conference 2021, Wednesday, June 2, 2021


  • Lead Presenter - Paula B Crockford, MSW Candidate, Renison University College, University of Waterloo
  • Co-Presenter - Sarah N. Leo, BA, Renison University College, University of Waterloo
  • Co-Presenter - Margaret F. Gibson, Assistant Professor - Social Development Studies and Social Work, Renison University College, University of Waterloo


Read more about SHORT FILM AND PODCAST: Storying Neurodiversity: Critical Reflections Through Field Education
PAPER: Claiming neurodiversity: Autism, expertise, and resistance, at National Women's Studies Association Conference 2019, San Francisco, Saturday, November 16, 2019:



  • Margaret F. Gibson, Renison University College at the University of Waterloo
  • Patty Douglas, Brandon University

What are we to make of neurodiversity discourse, both in its activist origins and its more recent expansions into the mainstream? Drawing upon blogs, research articles, and popular media, and engaging with critiques from feminist science and technology/disability studies, this paper considers how neurodiversity arguments for a re-valuation of autism and other forms of human variation...

Read more about PAPER: Claiming neurodiversity: Autism, expertise, and resistance
