Graduate Coursework and Projects

Selected Graduate/ Hybrid Coursework at the University of Waterloo (UW) and Florida Institute of Technology (FIT):

Information and Communication Theory

  • ECE 603  - Statistical Signal Processing (UW)
  • ECE 611  - Digital Communications (UW)
  • ECE 612  - Information Theory (UW)
  • ECE 614  - Communications over Fading Dispersive Channels (UW)
  • ECE 715  - Wireless Communication Networks (UW)
  • ECE 4332 - Electrooptic Device & Systems (FIT)

Optimization and Stochastic Control

  • ECE 686 - Filtering and control of stochastic linear systems (UW)
  • CO 671   - Semidefinite Optimization (UW)

Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  • MTH 4101/5101 - Real Analysis (FIT)
  • MTH 5115 - Functional Analysis (FIT)
  • MTH 5230 - Partial Diff Equations (FIT)
  • MTH 5315 - Num Meth for Partial Diff Equations (FIT) 

Applied Mathematics 

  • MTH 5051 - Applied Discrete Maths (FIT)
  • MTH 4202 - Stochastic Modeling (FIT)
  • MTH 4311 - Numerical Analysis (FIT)

Graduate Projects:

1- Millimeter wave Channels: Propagation Characteristics,Modeling and Performance Evaluation

Part of ECE 614 (50 % of the course)

2-  Extended Kalman filter for Chaotic Synchronization

Part of ECE 686 (25 % of the course)