Honours and awards at the university of Waterloo (UW) and Florida Institute of Technology (FIT)
Honours and awards:
- International HPC Summer School 2022 (Travel Award)
- Jon W. Mark Graduate Scholarship award 2021 ( UW)
- Faculty of Engineering (FoE) Award for outstanding academic achievement, Fall 2020 and Fall 2022 (UW)
- International Doctoral Student Award, 2020 - 2021 (UW)
- Faculty honors Award for excellence in Education, 2018 (FIT)
- Dr. Walter M. Nunn, Jr. Scholarship In Electromagnetics, 2018 (FIT)
- Outstanding Junior of the year 2016-2017 (FIT)
Honor Socities:
- Eta Kappa Nu - IEEE
- Tau Beta Pi - Engineering honor society
- Phi Eta Sigma - National honor society