
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
"Born Under Saturn: Anatomy of the Digital Melancholic". (1996). Conference of the Society for Literature and Science.
"HYPERICONOMY: A De-Vise for Cognition and Scholarship". (1998). Conference of the Society for Literature and Science.
"Woodworm in the Post: Creeping Toward an Electronic Version of History". (1998). Theories of History/Histories of Theory International Conference.
"Picturing the Canon in the Electronic Age". (1998). Romantic Circles. Fall 1998.
"Digging Transformations in Blake: What the Mole Knows About the New Millennium". (1999). The Wordsworth Circle, international, quarterly journal of Romantic literature, culture and society. Fall 1999.
"Friedrich Kittler's Media Scenes-An Instruction Manual". (1999). Postmodern Culture, international journal of interdisciplinary thought on contemporary cultures. Fall 1999.
"Fast, Expensive and Way Out of Control: Filmic Discourse in the E-Classroom". (2000). Transnational Cinema and Cultural Identity, University of Southern Mississippi.
"Transparency and Deception on the Hardware Fashion Scene". (2000). Conference of the Popular Culture Association.
"You Can't Always Get What You Want: Transparency and Deception on the Hardware Fashion Scene". (2000). Ctheory, international journal of theory, technology, and culture. November 2000.
"Systems of Control: Navigating Academic Authority in the Digital Age". (2001). Convention of the Modern Language Association.
"A Fever for Archiving: How Humanities Scholarship Works the Web". (2001). Space and Culture, international journal of social spaces. Spring 2001.
"The Fourfolds of William Blake and Martin Heidegger: Minds, Bodies, Technologies". (2003). Association for Computers and the Humanities.
"What Is Necromedia?". (2003). Intermédialités, international journal of new media. Summer 2003.
"American Beauty Busted: The Digital Demise of the Domestic Scene". (2004). Substance, international review of theory and criticism. Winter 2004.
"What Is Digital Media Studies?". (2005). Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Conference.
Necromedia. (2005). . iDEAs Digital Media Festival.
"The Fourfolds of William Blake and Martin Heidegger". (2005). Romantic Circles. Winter 2005.
