
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Sayers, J. (Ed.). (Accepted). "The Making of a Digital Humanities Neo-Luddite". In Making Humanities Matter. University of Minnesota Press.
Alexander, J., & Rhodes, J. (Eds.). (Accepted). "Writing With a Soldering Iron". In The Routledge Companion to Digital Writing and Rhetoric.
“Hack This: Critical and Historical Contexts for Maker Culture”. (2015). Media Art Histories Conference, Concordia University.
“The Art, Politics, and Philosophy of Digital Abstinence” . (2015). Congress of the Social Sciences and the Humanities.
“Twelve Tabernacles for the Contemplation of Digital Abstinence”. (2015). Society for Literature, Science and the Arts.
Larsonneur, C., & Regnault, A. (Eds.). (2015). “La Démentie Digitale” (Digital Dementia). In Hypermnésie et le sujet digital. Presses du Réel.
Necromedia. (2015). . University of Minnesota Press, Posthumanities Series.
Broglio, R., & Young, F. (Eds.). (2015). "Speculative Realism in Chains: A Love Story". In Being Human: Between Animals and Machines. Taylor and Francis.
"Taking Care of Digital Dementia”. (2015). Ctheory, international journal of theory, technology, and culture. February 2015.
“A Creative Response to Digital Dementia”. (2014). Media Ecology Association, Ryerson University.
“What Is Digital Dementia?”. (2014). Society for Literature, Science and the Arts.
“Object-Oriented Ontology as a Horror Philosophy”. (2013). Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, University of Notre Dame.
“Taking Care of Digital Dementia”. (2013). Conference of the Humanities, Arts, Science, Technology Advanced Collaboratory, York University.
“Speculative Realism in Chains: A Love Story”. (2013). Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities , 18(1).
“A Pharmacological Theory and Practice of Digital Mnemotechnics”. (2012). The Digital Subject: Questioning Hypermnesia, Université de Paris 8.
“Animal-Machine Desire: Putting Dairy Cows on Twitter”. (2012). Society for Literature, Science and the Arts.
“Critical Media as Antidote for a Culture of Digital Malaise”. (2012). Congress of the Social Sciences and the Humanities.
