
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
"Imitating Machines: Humanities Research for a Culture of Data". (2008). Technology and Culture. February 2008.
O'Gorman, M., & Rice, J. (Eds.). (2008). "The Hypericonic De-Vise". In New Media/New Methods. Parlor Press.
"Angels in Digital Armor: A Techno-Existential Approach to School Shootings". (2007). Annual Conference of the Ernest Becker Foundation, University of Washington.
"Code Resistance: Physical Computing and the Return of Meat". (2007). Society for Literature, Science and the Arts.
E-Crit: Digital Media, Critical Theory and the Humanities. (2007). . University of Toronto Press.
"Detroit Digital: On Tourists in the Apocalypse". (2007). Ctheory, international journal of theory, technology, and culture. December 2007.
Amerika, M. (Ed.). (2007). "From Mystorian to Curmudgeon: Skulking Toward Finitude". In The Illogic of Sense. Alt X Press.
O'Gorman, M., & Watkins, D.. (2007). Screening Coffin Meets Empty Days. University of Waterloo School of Architecture.
"Detroit Devolution: Memoirs of a Tourist in the Apocalypse". (2006). Society for Literature, Science and the Arts.
"Detroit Wilderness: Technology, Embodiment, and the Persistence of Nature". (2006). Annual Conference of the Ernest Becker Foundation, University of Washington.
"Digital/Critical". (2006). International Digital Media and Arts Association, Miami University, Ohio.
"Teaching Critical Game Design: Three Approaches". (2006). Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, York University.
"Why the Digital Humanities Need the Digital Arts". (2006). Association of Computing Humanists Conference, La Sorbonne.
"Swimming to Oblivion: Genetics, Bioengineering and the Human Condition". (2006). Technology and Culture. January 2006.
"What Is Digital Media Studies?". (2005). Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Conference.
Necromedia. (2005). . iDEAs Digital Media Festival.
"The Fourfolds of William Blake and Martin Heidegger". (2005). Romantic Circles. Winter 2005.
O'Gorman, M., & Davis, B.. (2005). Screening Coffin. Morlan Art Gallery, Lexington, Kentucky, 2005; Artery Gallery, Kitchener, Ontario, 2009.
"American Beauty Busted: The Digital Demise of the Domestic Scene". (2004). Substance, international review of theory and criticism. Winter 2004.
