
Author [ Title(Asc)] Type Year
Larsonneur, C. , & Regnault, A. (Eds.). (2015). “La Démentie Digitale” (Digital Dementia). In Hypermnésie et le sujet digital. Presses du Réel.
“Hack This: Critical and Historical Contexts for Maker Culture”. (2015). Media Art Histories Conference, Concordia University.
“Eating Eugene Thacker’s Dust: The Terror of Philosophy”. (2012). Society for Literature, Science and the Arts.
“Dirty Bodies and Dead Media: Recent Projects from the Critical Media Lab”. (2012). Congress of the Social Sciences and the Humanities.
“Designing a Mobile, Embodied, and Socially Active Digital Game”. (2009). Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts, Georgia Institute of Technology.
“Critical Media as Antidote for a Culture of Digital Malaise”. (2012). Congress of the Social Sciences and the Humanities.
“Broken Tools and Misfit Toys: Adventures in Applied Media Theory”. (2012). Canadian Journal of Communication, 37(1).
“Bernard Stiegler’s Pharmacy: A Conversation”. (2010). Configurations, 18(3). Fall 2010.
“Attention!” (Roundtable with Bernard Stiegler and N. Katherine Hayles). (2011). Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, University of Waterloo.
“Animals, Objects, and other “Things”: On Posthumanism and Applied Media Theory”. (2009). Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts, Georgia Institute of Technology.
“Animal-Machine Desire: Putting Dairy Cows on Twitter”. (2012). Society for Literature, Science and the Arts.
“Angels in Digital Armor: Technoculture and Terror Management" . (2010). Postmodern Culture, 20(3). May 2010.
“A Pharmacological Theory and Practice of Digital Mnemotechnics”. (2012). The Digital Subject: Questioning Hypermnesia, Université de Paris 8.
“A Creative Response to Digital Dementia”. (2014). Media Ecology Association, Ryerson University.
