
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Smith, Russell J, John R. Lucey, and Michael J Hudson. 2007. Proceedings Of The International Astronomical Union. Ages And Metallicities Of Faint Red Galaxies In The Shapley Supercluster.
Thompson, M. A. , S. Serjeant, T. Jenness, D. Scott, M. Ashdown, C. Brunt, H. Butner, et al. 2007. The Scuba-2 "All-Sky" Survey. The Scuba-2 "All-Sky" Survey.
Semboloni, E. , Y. Mellier, L. Van Waerbeke, H. Hoekstra, I. Tereno, K. Benabed, S. D. J. Gwyn, et al. 2006. Astronomy & Astrophysics. Cosmic Shear Analysis With Cfhtls Deep Data.
Hoekstra, H. , Y. Mellier, L. Van Waerbeke, E. Semboloni, L. Fu, M. J. Hudson, L. C. Parker, I. Tereno, and K. Benabed. 2006. Astrophysical Journal. First Cosmic Shear Results From The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Wide Synoptic Legacy Survey.
Smith, Russell J. , Michael J. Hudson, John R Lucey, Jenica E. Nelan, and Gary A. Wegner. 2006. The Noao Fundamental Plane Survey - Iii. Variations In The Stellar Populations Of Red-Sequence Galaxies From The Cluster Core To The Virial Radius. The Noao Fundamental Plane Survey - Iii. Variations In The Stellar Populations Of Red-Sequence Galaxies From The Cluster Core To The Virial Radius.
Hudson, Michael J, Russell J Smith, Jenica E Nelan, John R. Lucey, and Gary. A Wegner. 2006. Proceedings Of The International Astronomical Union. “Downsizing” From The Fossil Record: Ages And Metallicities Of Red Galaxies And Their Dependence On Mass And On Environment.
Nelan, J. E, R. J. Smith, M. J. Hudson, G. A Wegner, J. R. Lucey, S. AW Moore, S. J Quinney, and N. B Suntzeff. 2005. Astrophysical Journal. Noao Fundamental Plane Survey. Ii. Age And Metallicity Along The Red Sequence From Line-Strength Data.
Pike, R. W. , and M. J. Hudson. 2005. Astrophysical Journal. Cosmological Parameters From The Comparison Of The 2Mass Gravity Field With Peculiar Velocity Surveys.
Hudson, Michael J. 2003. The Consistency Of Cosmic Flows On 100 Mpc/H Scales. The Consistency Of Cosmic Flows On 100 Mpc/H Scales.
Hudson, M. J. , J. R. Lucey, J. J Malecki, S. AW Moore, J. Nelan, S. Quinney, D. Schade, R. J. Smith, N. Suntzeff, and G. A Wegner. 2003. Early-Type Galaxies In The Noao Fundamental Plane Survey. Early-Type Galaxies In The Noao Fundamental Plane Survey.
