This is the web site for my research, teaching and a lot of in between material. My research is generally computational in nature and spans density stratified fluids on the lab and field scale, the applications of stratified fluid flow (e.g. in lake dynamics), and mathematically covering nonlinear wave theory, high order (e.g. pseudospectral) numerical methods, data driven methods for feature detection (e.g. coherent structures). I teach courses in my subject area, general interest courses in the mathematics of climate change and have a long time involvement in the physics based calculus courses. I maintain an active interest in the aesthetic aspects of natural and laboratory fluid mechanics, and I love sharing photographs of such phenomena.
I have a long time involvement with the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society and in 2020-2021 I served as that Society's President. I am finishing up my second term as the Associayte Dean Computing in the Mathematics Faculty.