Carbon Based Injectates for Groundwater Treatment

Carbon based injectate (CBI) technology is an injection-based in situ remedial option for contaminated groundwater which involves a combination of aqueous phase contaminant sorption to solid phase powdered activated carbon (PAC) and subsequent microbial biodegradation of the sorbed mass. The objective of this research project is to address some of the important gaps in the current state of science regarding CBI technology. To accomplish this, PAC subjected to aqueous phase petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) (e.g., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes [BTEX], naphthalene and 1-methylnaphthalene) in anaerobic sulfate-reducing and methanogenic environments is specifically being investigated. A multi-scale research approach, including a series of bench-scale tests leading to a pilot-scale field trial are underway. Figures below show image of column set-up (left) and schematic of field site (right).

Column Set-upSchematic of field site