Recent Courses Taught (last 10 years)

ENVE 401 - Environmental Engineering Project 2




A continuation of ENVE 400. The final design of the major environmental engineering project proposed in ENVE 400 will be undertaken. The purpose of this phase of the project is to carry out a detailed technical design of the solution proposed in ENVE 400. Requirements of this part of the two-term project include a symposium presentation and a final report. [Offered: W]
Prereq: 4B Environmental Engineering

GEOE 400 - Geological Engineering Project 1




Students undertake an independent geological engineering design project during the last two terms of their plan. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate students' abilities to practise in a geological engineering capacity in their chosen area of expertise, using knowledge gained from their academic and employment experiences. The first part of the project (GEOE 400) will include problem identification, generation and selection of solutions, and time management. Incorporation of technical, ecological, social, political...
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GEOE 401 - Geological Engineering Project 2




A continuation of GEOE 400. The final design of the major geological engineering project proposed in GEOE 400 will be undertaken. The purpose of this phase of the project is to carry out a detailed technical design of the solution proposed in GEOE 400. Requirements of this part of the two-term project include a symposium presentation and a final report. [Offered: W]
Prereq: 4B Geological Engineering

CIVE 776 - Soil & Groundwater Remediation




This course focuses on the various technologies available to remediate soil and groundwater. Proven, emerging, and innovative technologies are investigated for application to both porous media and fractured porous media subsurface systems. The underlying theory and relevant engineering design aspects for each technology are presented. Case studies are critically examined. Read more about CIVE 776 - Soil & Groundwater Remediation

ENVE 573 - Contaminant Transport




Importance and complications associated with environmental modelling, the model building process, limitations, and measures of success. Types of contaminants; transport phenomena with a focus on advection-dispersive transport; development of governing equations; types and utility of boundary and initial conditions; and mass balance considerations. Review of completely mixed systems including lakes, streams, source functions, feedback systems, and toxic substance models. Model calibration, sensitivity, and uncertainty:...
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ENVE 400 - Environmental Engineering Project 1





Students undertake an independent Environmental Engineering design project during the last two terms of their program. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate students' abilities to practise in an Environmental Engineering capacity in their chosen area of expertise, using knowledge gained from their academic and employment experiences. The first part of the project (ENVE 400) will include problem identification, generation and selection of solutions and time management. Incorporation of technical, ecological, social, political and economic issues in the solution for the project will...

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