
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Shafieiyoun, S., & Thomson, N. R.. (2019). Intra-NAPL diffusion and dissolution of a MGP NAPL exposed to persulfate in a flow-through system. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 366-374. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2018.10.096
Linley, S., Holmes, A., Leshuk, T., Nafo, W., Thomson, N. R., Al-Mayah, A., McVey, K., et al. (2019). Targeted nanoparticle binding & detection in petroleum hydrocarbon impacted porous media. Chemosphere, 353-361. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.10.046
Bouchard, D., Hunkeler, D., Madsen, E. L., Buscheck, T., Daniels, E., Kolhatkar, R., Derito, C. M., et al. (2018). Application of Diagnostic Tools to Evaluate Remediation Performance at Petroleum Hydrocarbon-Impacted Sites. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 38, 88-98. doi:10.1111/gwmr.12300
Solano, F. M., Marchesi, M., Thomson, N. R., Bouchard, D., & Aravena, R.. (2018). Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation of Benzene, Toluene, and o-Xylene during Chemical Oxidation by Persulfate. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 38, 62-72. doi:10.1111/gwmr.12228
Bouchard, D., Marchesi, M., Madsen, E. L., Derito, C. M., Thomson, N. R., Aravena, R., Barker, J. F., et al. (2018). Diagnostic Tools to Assess Mass Removal Processes During Pulsed Air Sparging of a Petroleum Hydrocarbon Source Zone. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 38, 29-44. doi:10.1111/gwmr.12297
Wei, Y., Thomson, N. R., Aravena, R., Marchesi, M., Barker, J. F., Madsen, E. L., Kolhatkar, R., et al. (2018). Infiltration of Sulfate to Enhance Sulfate-Reducing Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 38, 73-87. doi:10.1111/gwmr.12298
Shayan, M., Thomson, N. R., Aravena, R., Barker, J. F., Madsen, E. L., Marchesi, M., Derito, C. M., et al. (2018). Integrated Plume Treatment Using Persulfate Coupled with Microbial Sulfate Reduction. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 38, 45-61. doi:10.1111/gwmr.12227
Shafieiyoun, S., Thomson, N. R., Brey, A. P., Gasinski, C. M., Pence, W., & Marley, M.. (2018). Realistic expectations for the treatment of FMGP residuals by chemical oxidants. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 1-17. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2018.08.007
Shafieiyoun, S., & Thomson, N. R.. (2018). The role of intra-NAPL diffusion on mass transfer from MGP residuals. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 213, 49-61. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2018.04.002
Mellage, A., Holmes, A. B., Linley, S., Vallée, L., Rezanezhad, F., Thomson, N., Gu, F., et al. (2018). Sensing Coated Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles with Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP): Experiments in Natural Sand Packed Flow-Through Columns. Environmental Science and Technology, 52, 14256-14265. doi:10.1021/acs.est.8b03686
Shayan, M., Thomson, N. R., Aravena, R., Barker, J. F., Madsen, E. L., Marchesi, M., Derito, C. M., et al. (2017). Integrated Plume Treatment Using Persulfate Coupled with Microbial Sulfate Reduction. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation. doi:10.1111/gwmr.12227
Ferreira, I. D., Prieto, T., Freitas, J. G., Thomson, N. R., Nantes, I. L., & Bechara, E. J. H.. (2017). Natural Persulfate Activation for Anthracene Remediation in Tropical Environments. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 228. doi:10.1007/s11270-017-3322-8
Yao, Y., Volchek, K., Brown, C. E., Vogan, J., Burdick, J., Ross, I., Pancras, T., et al. (2016). Degradation of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in aqueous film forming foam (AFFF)-impacted groundwater and soil by oxidation methods. In 39th AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response (pp. 383-407). Retrieved from
Oliveira, F. C., Freitas, J. G., Furquim, S. A. C., Rollo, R. M., Thomson, N. R., Alleoni, L. R. F., & Nascimento, C. A. O.. (2016). Persulfate Interaction with Tropical Soils. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 227. doi:10.1007/s11270-016-3000-2
Gale, T., Thomson, N. R., & Barker, J. F.. (2015). An Investigation of the Pressure Pulsing Reagent Delivery Approach. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 35, 39-51. doi:10.1111/gwmr.12102
Cho, M. S., Trefry, M. G., Thomson, N. R., Lester, D. R., Metcalfe, G., & Regenauer-Lieb, K.. (2014). Field trials of subsurface chaotic advection: Stirred reactive reservoirs. In Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2014. Retrieved from
Esmaeili, S., Thomson, N. R., Tolson, B. A., Zebarth, B. J., Kuchta, S. H., & Neilsen, D.. (2014). Quantitative global sensitivity analysis of the RZWQM to warrant a robust and effective calibration. Journal of Hydrology, 511, 567-579. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.01.051
Sra, K. S., Thomson, N. R., & Barker, J. F.. (2014). Stability of Activated Persulfate in the Presence of Aquifer Solids. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 23, 820-837. doi:10.1080/15320383.2013.722142
Marchesi, M., Thomson, N. R., Aravena, R., Sra, K. S., Otero, N., & Soler, A.. (2013). Carbon isotope fractionation of 1,1,1-trichloroethane during base-catalyzed persulfate treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 260, 61-66. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2013.05.011
Al-Shamsi, M. A., Thomson, N. R., & Forsey, S. P.. (2013). Iron based bimetallic nanoparticles to activate peroxygens. Chemical Engineering Journal, 232, 555-563. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2013.07.109
