
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Thomson, N. R., & Johnson, R. L.. (2000). Air distribution during in situ air sparging: An overview of mathematical modeling. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 72, 265-282. doi:10.1016/S0304-3894(99)00143-0
Hood, E. D., Thomson, N. R., Grossi, D., & Farquhar, G. J.. (2000). Experimental determination of the kinetic rate law for the oxidation of perchloroethylene by potassium permanganate. Chemosphere, 40, 1383-1388. doi:10.1016/S0045-6535(99)00278-7
Howard, S. D., Thomson, N. R., & Rudolph, D. L.. (2000). Hydraulic performance of a horizontal groundwater extraction well. In 2000 Annual Conference Abstracts - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (p. 153). Retrieved from
Thomson, N. R., Brush, D. J., & Anderson, S. E.. (2000). Single-phase flow in rough-walled fractures: Navier-Stokes simulations and experimental observations. Computational methods in water resources - Volume 1 - Computational methods for subsurface flow and transport (pp. 315-322). Retrieved from
Thomson, N. R., & Flynn, D. J.. (2000). Soil vacuum extraction of perchloroethylene from the borden aquifer. Ground Water, 38, 673-688. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2000.tb02703.x
Esposito, S. J., & Thomson, N. R.. (1999). Two-phase flow and transport in a single fracture-porous medium system. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 37, 319-341. doi:10.1016/S0169-7722(98)00169-7
Harris, S. M., Thomson, N. R., & Novakowski, K. S.. (1998). Determining the orientation of fracture planes in a weathered clay till using core samples. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 35, 386-394. doi:10.1139/t98-008
Thomson, N. R., Mcbean, E. A., Snodgrass, W., & Monstrenko, I. B.. (1997). Highway stormwater runoff quality: Development of surrogate parameter relationships. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 94, 307-347. Retrieved from
Thomson, N. R., Sykes, J. F., & Van Vliet, D.. (1997). A numerical investigation into factors affecting gas and aqueous phase plumes in the subsurface. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 28, 39-70. doi:10.1016/S0169-7722(96)00044-7
Thomson, N. R., Mcbean, E. A., Snodgrass, W., & Mostrenko, I.. (1997). Sample size needs for characterizing pollutant concentrations in highway runoff. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 123, 1061-1065. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(1997)123:10(1061)
Pankow, J. F., Thomson, N. R., Johnson, R. L., Baehr, A. L., & Zogorski, J. S.. (1997). The urban atmosphere as a non-point source for the transport of MTBE and other volatile organic compounds (VOCS) to shallow groundwater. In ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry, Preprints (Vol. 37, pp. 385-387). Retrieved from
Pankow, J. F., Thomson, N. R., Johnson, R. L., Baehr, A. L., & Zogorski, J. S.. (1997). The urban atmosphere as a non-point source for the transport of MTBE and other volatile organic compounds (VOCS) to shallow groundwater. Environmental Science and Technology, 31, 2821-2828. doi:10.1021/es970040b
Xiang, Y., Sykes, J. F., & Thomson, N. R.. (1996). Optimization of remedial pumping schemes for a ground-water site with multiple contaminants. Ground Water, 34, 2-11. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.1996.tb01858.x
Xiang, Y., Sykes, J. F., & Thomson, N. R.. (1995). Alternative formulations for optimal ground-water remediation design. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 121, 171-181. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(1995)121:2(171)
Sharma, M., Thomson, N. R., & Mcbean, E. A.. (1995). Linear regression analyses with censored data: estimation of PAH washout ratios and dry deposition velocities to a snow surface. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 22, 819-833. doi:10.1139/l95-091
Sharma, M., Mcbean, E. A., & Thomson, N.. (1995). Maximum likelihood method for parameter estimation in linearmodel with below-detection data. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States), 121, 776-784. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(1995)121:11(776)
Duchene, M., Mcbean, E. A., & Thomson, N. R.. (1994). Modeling of infiltration from trenches for storm-water control. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 120, 276-293. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(1994)120:3(276)
Xiang, Y., Thomson, N. R., & Sykes, J. F.. (1994). Parameter identification for groundwater flow and solute transport simulation: a comparison of L1and L2estimators. Hydrological Sciences Journal/Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 39, 65-79. Retrieved from
Xiang, Y., Thomson, N. R., & Sykes, J. F.. (1994). Parameter identification for groundwater flow and solute transport simulation: A comparison of L1 and L2 estimators. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 39, 65-79. doi:10.1080/02626669409492720
Sharma, M., McBean, E., Thomson, N., & Marsalek, J.. (1994). Source-receptor modeling of PAHs using deposition levels in winter-long urban snowpack. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States), 120, 1248-1265. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(1994)120:5(1248)
