A. Book Chapters
1. Niraj Reginald, Omar Al-Buraiki, and Baris Fidan, Ehsan Hashemi “Augmented Visual Inertial Wheel Odometry Through Slip Compensation” Measurements and Instrumentation for Machine Vision, CRC Press, Aug. 2023.
B. Journal Articles
2. Omar Al-Buraiki, Baris Fidan, William Melek “Cooperative Surveillance via Heterogeneous Autonomous Sensor Network of Remote and Local Sensing Nodes” Submitted for publication in Sensors Journal, MDPI (Under review), June 2023.
3. Omar Al-Buraiki, and Pierre Payeur, “Task Allocation for Multi-Agent Specialized Systems Using Probabilistic Estimate of Robots Competencies” IEEE Access, Dec. 2023.
4. Elkhider, Siddig M., Omar Al-Buraiki, and Sami El-Ferik. 2021. "Publish and Subscribe-Based Formation and Containment Control of Heterogeneous Robotic System with Actuator Time Delay" Applied Sciences 11, no. 19: 9145. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11199145.
5. Omar Al-Buraiki, Wenbo. Wu, Pierre. Payeur, "Probabilistic Allocation of Specialized Robots on Targets Detected Using Deep Learning Network", Robotics, 9, 54, Jul. 2020.
6. Omar Al-Buraiki, Pierre Payeur, Henrique Busiquia, "Automatic Task Selection from Targets Recognition for Swarm Mobile Robots with Specialized Agents", MDPI Proceedings Journal, 2(3), 116, 25 Jan. 2018, doi: 10.3390/ecsa-4-04911.
7. Omar Al-Buraiki, and Magdi Mahmoud, “Robust Control Design of Autonomous Bicycle Kinematics”, Journal of Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (NACO) Vol: 4 (3), pp181-191, September 2014.
C. Patents
8. Omar AL-Buraiki and Sami El Ferik “Robotic Leader-Follower SLAM based navigation and Neural Networks Dynamics Control Method” United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), US9146561B2 Sep. 2015
D. Conference Papers
9. Baris Fidan, Huseyin Demircioglu, and Omar Al-Buraiki “Adaptive Hessian Estimation Based Extremum Seeking Control”, In the proceedings of the 2023 European Control Conference (ECC), June 13-16, 2023.
10. Niraj Reginald, Omar Al-Buraiki, and Baris Fidan, Ehsan Hashemi “Confidence Estimator Design for Dynamic Feature Point Removal in Robot Visual-Inertial Odometry”, In 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Brussels, Belgium, Oct. 17-20, 2022.
11. Omar Al-Buraiki, and Pierre Payeur, “Task Allocation in Multi-Robot Systems Based on the Suitability Level of the Individual Agents” IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Lyon, France, 2021.
12. Omar Al-Buraiki, and Pierre Payeur "Specialized Agents Allocation in Autonomous Multi-Agent Unmanned Systems", Canada Unmanned Systems, Nov. 6th, 2020.
13. Omar Al-Buraiki, and Pierre Payeur, “Probabilistic Task Assignment for Specialized Multi-Agent Robotic Systems”, IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments, pp. 43-49, Ottawa, Canada, June 2019.
14. Omar Al-Buraiki, Pierre Payeur, “Task-Agent Assignation Based on Target Characteristics for a Swarm of Specialized Agents, Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, pp. 268-275, Orlando, USA, April 2019.
15. Wu, Wenbo, Pierre Payeur, Omar Al-Buraiki, and Matt Ross, “Vision-Based Target Objects Recognition and Segmentation for Unmanned Systems Task Allocation”. International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, Waterloo, Canada, August 2019.
16. Omar Al-Buraiki, Pierre Payeur, Henrique M. Busiquia “Automatic Task Selection from Targets Recognition for Swarm Mobile Robots with Specialized Agents” ECSA, MDPI, 2017.
17. Omar Al-Buraiki, Pierre Payeur, Yoel R. Castillo “ Task Switching for Specialized Mobile Robots Working in Cooperative Formation” IEEE International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors, Japan, 17-20 December. 2016.
18. Omar Al-Buraiki, and Sami El Ferik. “Neuro-adaptive Formation Maintenance and Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots”, International Conference of Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 15-16, 2014.
19. Mahmoud, Magdi, and Omar Al-Buraiki. “Two-level control for improving the performance of MicroGrid in islanded mode” 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
20. Omar Al-Buraiki, Mohammed Bin Thabit, “Model Predictive Control Design Approach for Autonomous Bicycle Kinematics Stabilization”. 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, June 16-19, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, 2014.
21. Omar Al-Buraiki, and Sami El Ferik. "Adaptive control of autonomous bicycle kinematics." 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, South Korea, 2013.
22. Sami El Ferik, Omar Al-Buraiki, and Arief Koesdwiady, “Implementation of Observer Kalman filter System Identification and Control to a DC-Motor”, IASTED International Conference in Identification and Control. Austria, Feb. 2013.
23. Omar Al-Buraiki, Areif. B. Kosd, and Sami El Ferik “OKID-Based System Identification on Experimental Data of DC-Motor”, 4th SSC Conference, 2012.
E. Theses:
24. Omar Al-Buraiki. “Specialized Agents Task Allocation in Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems” Doctoral Dissertation, University of Ottawa, nominated for University of Ottawa best thesis prize, 2020. (Nominated for best thesis prize)
25. Omar Al-Buraiki. “Leader-Follower SLAM Based Navigation and Fleet Management Control”. Master Thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 2013. (Granted US Patent)
26. Omar Al-Buraiki. “Layout and Implementation of a Mobile Communication Cell Using Code Division Multiple Access Technology”, Hadhramout University of Science and Technology, 2007.