
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Peiris, R. H. ; Budman, H. ; Moresoli, C. ; Legge, R. L.. Aiche Journal. Fluorescence-based fouling prediction and optimization of a membrane filtration process for drinking water treatment 2012.
Jahangiri, E. ; Agharafeie, R. ; Kaiser, H. - J. ; Tahmasbi, Y. ; Legge, R. L. ; Haghbeen, K.. Biochemical Engineering Journal. Medium engineering to enhance mushroom tyrosinase stability 2012.
RH, P. ; N, I. ; H, B. ; C, M. ; RL, L.. Characterizing Natural Colloidal/Particulate-Protein Interactions Using Fluorescence-Based Techniques And Principal Component Analysis. Characterizing natural colloidal/particulate-protein interactions using fluorescence-based techniques and principal component analysis. 2012.
Helt, C. D. ; Weber, K. P. ; Legge, R. L. ; Slawson, R. M.. Ecological Engineering. Antibiotic resistance profiles of representative wetland bacteria and faecal indicators following ciprofloxacin exposure in lab-scale constructed mesocosms 2012.
Pervissian, A. ; Parker, W. J. ; Legge, R. L.. Environmental Progress &Amp; Sustainable Energy. Combined MBBR-MF for Industrial Wastewater Treatment 2012.
Meunier, S. M. ; Legge, R. L.. Journal Of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic. Evaluation of diatomaceous earth supported lipase sol-gels as a medium for enzymatic transesterification of biodiesel 2012.
Peiris, R. H. ; Ignagni, N. ; Budman, H. ; Moresoli, C. ; Legge, R. L.. Talanta. Characterizing natural colloidal/particulate-protein interactions using fluorescence-based techniques and principal component analysis 2012.
Moshtaghioun, S. Mohammad; Haghbeen, K. ; Sahebghadam, A. Lotfi; Legge, R. L. ; Khoshneviszadeh, R. ; Farhadi, S.. Analytical Chemistry. Direct Spectrophotometric Assay of Laccase Using Diazo Derivatives of Guaiacol 2011.
Chia, L. S. ; Jensen, A. ; Lim, L. - T. ; Moresoli, C. ; Legge, R. L. ; Pauls, K. P.. Canadian Journal Of Plant Science. Comparison of protein films mechanical properties made from common dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) varieties and storage protein deficient lines 2011.
Weber, K. P. ; Legge, R. L.. Ecological Engineering. Dynamics in the bacterial community-level physiological profiles and hydrological characteristics of constructed wetland mesocosms during start-up 2011.
RH, P. ; H, B. ; C, M. ; RL, L.. Identification Of Humic Acid-Like And Fulvic Acid-Like Natural Organic Matter In River Water Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Identification of humic acid-like and fulvic acid-like natural organic matter in river water using fluorescence spectroscopy. 2011.
Murdy, R. G. Campbel; Weber, K. P. ; Legge, R. L.. International Journal Of Engineering Education. Exploring Concept Maps as Study Tools in a First Year Engineering Biology Course: A Case Study 2011.
Peiris, R. H. ; Budman, H. ; Moresoli, C. ; Legge, R. L.. Journal Of Membrane Science. Development of a species specific fouling index using principal component analysis of fluorescence excitation-emission matrices for the ultrafiltration of natural water and drinking water production 2011.
Mojumdar, S. C. ; Moresoli, C. ; Simon, L. C. ; Legge, R. L.. Journal Of Thermal Analysis And Calorimetry. Edible wheat gluten (WG) protein films Preparation, thermal, mechanical and spectral properties 2011.
Weber, K. P. ; Mitzel, M. R. ; Slawson, R. M. ; Legge, R. L.. Water Research. Effect of ciprofloxacin on microbiological development in wetland mesocosms 2011.
Peldszus, S. ; Halle, C. ; Peiris, R. H. ; Hamouda, M. ; Jin, X. ; Legge, R. L. ; Budman, H. ; Moresoli, C. ; Huck, P. M.. Water Research. Reversible and irreversible low-pressure membrane foulants in drinking water treatment: Identification by principal component analysis of fluorescence EEM and mitigation by biofiltration pretreatment 2011.
Peiris, R. H. ; Budman, H. ; Moresoli, C. ; Legge, R. L.. Water Science And Technology. Identification of humic acid-like and fulvic acid-like natural organic matter in river water using fluorescence spectroscopy 2011.
SM, M. ; K, H. ; AL, S. ; RL, L. ; R, K. ; S, F.. Direct Spectrophotometric Assay Of Laccase Using Diazo Derivatives Of Guaiacol. Direct spectrophotometric assay of laccase using diazo derivatives of guaiacol. 2011.
KP, W. ; MR, M. ; RM, S. ; RL, L.. Effect Of Ciprofloxacin On Microbiological Development In Wetland Mesocosms. Effect of ciprofloxacin on microbiological development in wetland mesocosms. 2011.
S, P. ; C, H. ; RH, P. ; M, H. ; X, J. ; RL, L. ; H, B. ; C, M. ; PM, H.. Reversible And Irreversible Low-Pressure Membrane Foulants In Drinking Water Treatment: Identification By Principal Component Analysis Of Fluorescence Eem And Mitigation By Biofiltration Pretreatment. Reversible and irreversible low-pressure membrane foulants in drinking water treatment: Identification by principal component analysis of fluorescence EEM and mitigation by biofiltration pretreatment. 2011.
