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. Tracers For Investigating Pathogen Fate And Removal Mechanisms In Mesocosms. Tracers for investigating pathogen fate and removal mechanisms in mesocosms. 2007.
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. Decolorization Of Some Reactive Textile Dyes By White Rot Fungi Isolated In Pakistan. Decolorization of Some Reactive Textile Dyes by White Rot Fungi Isolated in Pakistan 2006.
. Effect Of Nonionic Surfactant Partitioning On The Dissolution Kinetics Of Residual Perchloroethylene In A Model Porous Medium. Effect of nonionic surfactant partitioning on the dissolution kinetics of residual perchloroethylene in a model porous medium. 2006.
. Enhanced Lignin Peroxidase Synthesis By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium In Solid State Bioprocessing Of A Lignocellulosic Substrate. Enhanced lignin peroxidase synthesis by Phanerochaete Chrysosporium in solid state bioprocessing of a lignocellulosic substrate 2006.
. Fluorescence Spectroscopy As A Tool For Monitoring Solubility And Aggregation Behavior Of Beta-Lactoglobulin After Heat Treatment. Fluorescence spectroscopy as a tool for monitoring solubility and aggregation behavior of beta-lactoglobulin after heat treatment. 2006.
. Purification And Characterization Of A Xylanase Produced By Chaetomium Thermophile Nibge. Purification and Characterization of a Xylanase Produced by Chaetomium thermophile NIBGE 2006.
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