
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
K. Rajangom, S., Erenay, S., He, Q., & et al.,. (Accepted). Cancer Drug Wastage and Mitigation Methods: A Systematic Review. Value in Health.
Ball, R., Figueiredo, R., & Mercer, K.. (2024). Rebranding the Library through Engineering Outreach: Three case studies at the University of Waterloo. In American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).  .
Lamont, G., & al, et. (2020). Information-seeking Behavior Among First-year Engineering Students and the Impacts of Pedagogical Intervention. In American Society for Engineering Education. ASEE. Retrieved from DOI: 10.18260/1-2--34827
Figueiredo, R., Power, H., Mercer, K., & Borland, M.. (2020). Embedding Librarians in Engineering Programs: Three case studies with engineering students. In Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association. CEEA. Retrieved from DOI: 10.24908/pceea.vi0.14145
Mercer, K., Weaver, K., Figueiredo, R., & Carter, C.. (2020). Critical Appraisal: The key to unlocking information literacy in the STEM disciplines. College and Research Library News, 81(3), 145. Retrieved from DOI:10.5860/crln.81.3.145