
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Tesfamariam, S., & Goda, K.. (2022). Risk assessment of CLT-RC hybrid building: Consideration of earthquake types and aftershocks for Vancouver, British Columbia. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 156, 107240. Elsevier.
Skandalos, K., Chakraborty, S., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2022). Seismic reliability analysis using a multi-fidelity surrogate model: Example of base-isolated buildings. Structural Safety, 97, 102222. Elsevier.
Zhu, R., Guo, T., Tesfamariam, S., & Xu, Y.. (2022). Shake-table tests and numerical analysis of steel frames with self-centering viscous-hysteretic devices under the mainshock–aftershock sequences. Journal of Structural Engineering, 148, 04022024. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Dey, S., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2022). Structural performance of buried pipeline undergoing fault rupture in sand using Taguchi design of experiments. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 155, 107174. Elsevier.
Iqbal, H., Haider, H., Waheed, B., Tesfamariam, S., & Sadiq, R.. (2022). Benchmarking of oil and gas pipeline companies in British columbia: integrating integrity management program and safety culture using a risk-based approach. Engineering Management Journal, 34, 526–542. Taylor & Francis.
Wu, D., Yang, T. Y., Xiong, Y., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2022). Experimental assessment on aseismic capacity of a perimeter diagrid concrete core structure: Shake table tests. Measurement, 203, 111925. Elsevier.
Guo, T., Song, L., Yang, K., Zhu, R., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2022). Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of self-centering concrete frames with sliding infill walls. Journal of Building Engineering, 52, 104435. Elsevier.
Chen, Y. - Y., Su, W. - T., Tesfamariam, S., Qian, Z. - C., Zhao, W., Shen, C. - Y., & Zhou, F. -lin. (2022). Experimental testing and system identification of the sliding bistable nonlinear energy sink implemented to a four-story structure model subjected to earthquake excitation. Journal of Building Engineering, 61, 105226. Elsevier.
You, T., Wang, W., Chen, Y., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2022). Gaussian random field based correlation model of building seismic performance for regional loss assessment. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 162, 107501. Elsevier.
Dey, S., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2022). Probabilistic Seismic Risk Analysis of Buried Pipelines Due to Permanent Ground Deformation for Victoria, BC. Geotechnics, 2, 731–753. MDPI.
Das, S., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2022). Reliability Based Design Optimization of Damped-Outrigger Timber Structure Using Stochastic Spectral Embedding Based Probability Density Evolution Method. In World Conference on Seismic Isolation (pp. 273–284). Springer.
Odikamnoro, I., Badal, P. S., Burton, H., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2022). Seismic collapse risk of RC-timber hybrid building with consideration of NBCC 2020 seismic hazard model.
Odikamnoro, I., Badal, P. S., Burton, H., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2022). Seismic collapse risk of RC-timber hybrid building with different energy dissipation connections considering NBCC 2020 hazard. Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience, 3, 14. Springer.
De Domenico, D., Tesfamariam, S., & Lu, X.. (2022). Smart passive damper design for building structures with higher resilience under uncertain earthquake ground motions. Frontiers in Built Environment, 8, 1074273. Frontiers.
Balekelayi, N., Woldesellasse, H., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2022). Comparison of the performance of a surrogate based Gaussian process, NSGA2 and PSO multi-objective optimization of the operation and fuzzy structural reliability of water distribution system: case study for the City of Asmara, Eritrea. Water Resources Management, 36, 6169–6185. Springer.
Teweldebrhan, B. Tekle, Popovski, M., McFadden, J. B. W., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2022). Development of ductility-related modification factor for CLT-coupled wall buildings with replaceable shear link coupling beams. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 50, 362–374. Canadian Science Publishing 1840 Woodward Drive, Suite 1, Ottawa, ON K2C 0P7.
Zhang, L., Goda, K., Werner, M. J., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2021). Spatiotemporal seismic hazard and risk assessment of M9. 0 megathrust earthquake sequences of wood-frame houses in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 50, 6–25. Wiley Online Library.
Abebe, Y., Adey, B. T., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2021). Sustainable funding strategies for stormwater infrastructure management: A system dynamics model. Sustainable Cities and Society, 64, 102485. Elsevier.
De Iuliis, M., Cimellaro, G. Paolo, Domaneschi, M., Tesfamariam, S., & others,. (2021). Downtime Estimation of Buildings and Infrastructures Using Fuzzy Logic. In The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (pp. 1–12). Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering.
Dires, S., Tannert, T., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2021). Energy-Based Seismic Design Method for Coupled CLT Shear Walls. In International Workshop on Energy-Based Seismic Engineering (pp. 221–235). Springer.
