
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Bezabeh, M., Bitsuamlak, G., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). The first step towards the performance-based design of wind-excited buildings: A critical examination of ductility-demand, hysteretic energy, and control of damage accumulation. In Proc., 15th Int. Conf. on Wind Engineering (pp. 1–4).
Iqbal, H., Waheed, B., Haider, H., Tesfamariam, S., & Sadiq, R.. (2019). Mapping safety culture attributes with integrity management program to achieve assessment goals: A framework for oil and gas pipelines industry. Journal of safety research, 68, 59–69. Elsevier.
Tesfamariam, S., De Iuliis, M., Kammouh, O., & Cimellaro, G. Paolo. (2019). A methodology to estimate the downtime of building structures using Fuzzy Logic. A methodology to estimate the downtime of building structures using Fuzzy Logic, 63–72. Pisa University Press.
De Iuliis, M., Kammouh, O., Cimellaro, G. P., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Resilience of the built environment: A methodology to estimate the downtime of building structures using fuzzy logic. Resilient structures and infrastructure, 47–76. Springer.
Kabir, G., Demissie, G., Sadiq, R., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Water mains’ prioritisation for small to medium-sized utilities of Canada. Infrastructure Asset Management, 7, 77–85. Thomas Telford Ltd.
Kabir, G., Suda, H., Cruz, A. Maria, Giraldo, F. Munoz, & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Earthquake-related Natech risk assessment using a Bayesian belief network model. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 15, 725–739. Taylor & Francis.
Sumida, K., Isoda, H., Mori, T., Tanaka, K., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Experimental seismic response of a Japanese conventional wooden house using 2016 kumamoto earthquake records. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 33, 04019014. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Wakashima, Y., Shimizu, H., Ishikawa, K., Fujisawa, Y., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Friction-based connectors for timber shear walls: static experimental tests. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 25, 04019006. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Balekelayi, N., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Geoadditive Bayesian regression models for water mains failure rate prediction. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13, Seoul, Korea (pp. 26–30).
Balekelayi, N., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Graph-theoretic surrogate measure to analyze reliability of water distribution system using Bayesian belief network–based data fusion technique. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145, 04019028. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Takewaki, I., Kohiyama, M., Trombetti, T., Tesfamariam, S., & Lu, X.. (2019). Innovative methodologies for resilient buildings and cities. Frontiers in built environment, 5, 94. Frontiers Media SA.
De Risi, R., Goda, K., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Multi-dimensional damage measure for seismic reliability analysis. Structural safety, 78, 1–11. Elsevier.
Li, B., Dai, K., Li, H., Li, B., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Optimum design of a non-conventional multiple tuned mass damper for a complex power plant structure. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 15, 954–964. Taylor & Francis.
Martinez, E., Rodrigues, H., Varum, H., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Progressive damage modelling of RC columns under biaxial reverse cyclic load. In CCEE 2019, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
Tesfamariam, S., Bezabeh, M., Skandalos, K., Martinez, E., Dires, S., Bitsuamlak, G., & Goda, K.. (2019). Wind and earthquake design framework for tall wood-concrete hybrid system.
Afshari, H., Hare, W., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Constrained multi-objective optimization algorithms: Review and comparison with application in reinforced concrete structures. Applied Soft Computing, 83, 105631. Elsevier.
Tesfamariam, S., Madheswaran, J., & Goda, K.. (2019). Displacement-based design of hybrid RC–timber structure: Seismic risk assessment. Journal of Structural Engineering, 145, 04019125. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Hall, P., Balogh, M., Barmby, P., Blakeslee, J., Bovy, J., Bradley, C., Bridges, T., et al. (2019). The Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer. Canadian Long Range Plan for Astronomy and Astrophysics White Papers, 2020, 30.
Chen, Y., Qian, Z., Chen, K., Tan, P., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Seismic performance of a nonlinear energy sink with negative stiffness and sliding friction. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 26, e2437. Wiley Online Library.
Balekelayi, N., & Tesfamariam, S.. (2019). Statistical inference of sewer pipe deterioration using Bayesian geoadditive regression model. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 25, 04019021. American Society of Civil Engineers.
