
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Ashrafizadeh, S. Ali, & Tan, Z.. (2018). Simultaneous Mass and Energy Balances. In Mass and Energy Balances (pp. 159–177). Springer, Cham.
Li, Q., Li, F., Meng, A., Tan, Z., & Zhang, Y.. (2018). Thermolysis of scrap tire and rubber in sub/super-critical water. Waste Management, 71, 311–319. Pergamon.
Xiang, J., Li, Q., Tan, Z., & Zhang, Y.. (2017). Characterization of the flow in a gas-solid bubbling fluidized bed by pressure fluctuation. Chemical Engineering Science, 174, 93–103. Pergamon.
Li, Q., Long, Y., Zhou, H., Meng, A., Tan, Z., & Zhang, Y.. (2017). Prediction of higher heating values of combustible solid wastes by pseudo-components and thermal mass coefficients. Thermochimica Acta, 658, 93–100. Elsevier.
Li, J., Cheng, K., Croiset, E., Anderson, W. A., Li, Q., & Tan, Z.. (2017). Effects of SO2 on CO2 capture using chilled ammonia solvent. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 63, 442–448. Elsevier.
Yu, H., Li, Q., Tan, Z., & others,. (2016). Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide in a Transversal Flow Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor. In Clean Coal Technology and Sustainable Development (pp. 393–399). Springer, Singapore.
Min, J., Fu, L., Usman, T., & Tan, Z.. (2016). Does winter road maintenance help reduce air emissions and fuel consumption?. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 48, 85–95. Pergamon.
Yu, H., Tan, Z., Thé, J., Feng, X., Croiset, E., & Anderson, W. A.. (2016). Kinetics of the absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous ammonia solutions. AIChE Journal, 62, 3673–3684.
Yu, H., Tan, Z., Feng, X., & others,. (2016). Modeling SO2 absorption into water accompanied with reversible reaction in a hollow fiber membrane contactor. Chemical Engineering Science, 156, 136–146. Pergamon.
Givehchi, R., Li, Q., & Tan, Z.. (2016). Quality factors of PVA nanofibrous filters for airborne particles in the size range of 10–125 nm. Fuel, 181, 1273–1280. Elsevier.
Wu, D., Tan, Z., Yu, H., Li, Q., Feng, X., & others,. (2016). Use of nanofiltration to reject cobalt (II) from ammoniacal solutions involved in absorption of SO2/NOx. Chemical Engineering Science, 145, 97–107. Pergamon.
Tan, Z., Givehchi, R., & Saprykina, A.. (2015). Submicron particle sizing by aerodynamic dynamic focusing and electrical charge measurement. Particuology, 18, 105–111.
Givehchi, R., Li, Q., & Tan, Z.. (2015). The effect of electrostatic forces on filtration efficiency of granular filters. Powder technology, 277, 135–140. Elsevier.
Zuraimi, M. S., & Tan, Z.. (2015). Impact of residential building regulations on reducing indoor exposures to outdoor PM2. 5 in Toronto. Building and Environment, 89, 336–344. Pergamon.
Givehchi, R., & Tan, Z.. (2015). The effect of capillary force on airborne nanoparticle filtration. Journal of Aerosol Science, 83, 12–24. Pergamon.
Tan, Z.. (2015). Nanoaerosol. In Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (pp. 2335–2342). Springer, New York, NY.
Ji, Y. -sheng, Zhan, G., Tan, Z., Hu, Y., & Gao, F.. (2015). Process control of reinforcement corrosion in concrete. Part 1: Effect of corrosion products. Construction and Building Materials, 79, 214–222. Elsevier.
Tan, Z., Givehchi, R., & Saprykina, A.. (2015). Submicron particle sizing by aerodynamic dynamic focusing and electrical charge measurement. Particuology, 18, 105–111. Elsevier.
Tan, Z.. (2014). Air Monitoring. In Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases (pp. 447–461). Springer, Singapore.
Tan, Z.. (2014). Basic Properties of Gases. In Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases (pp. 27–58). Springer, Singapore.
