
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Zhang, Z., Kleinstreuer, C., Kim, C. S., Mishra, R., Mayya, Y. S., & Kushwaha, H. S.. (2009). Nucleation mode particles were investigated for their morphology using TEM and the presence or absence of solid cores was addressed. At cold start idle nucleation particles were observed in the exhaust of a diesel passenger car. These particles occurred w. Journal of Aerosol Science, 40, 55–64.
Yin, S., Dolan, R., & Tan, Z.. (2009). Hydrothermal Conversion of Cattle Manure to Biooil: Effects of Conversion Parameters on Biooil. In ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (pp. 137–143). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Dolan, R., Yin, S., & Tan, Z.. (2009). Hydrothermal Gasification of Waste Biomass under Alkaline Conditions. In ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (pp. 161–167). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Ji, Y., Tan, Z., & Yuan, Y.. (2009). Chloride ion ingress in concrete exposed to a cyclic wetting and drying environment. Transactions of the ASABE, 52, 239–245. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
Yin, S., Dolan, R., & Tan, Z.. (2009). Hydrothermal Conversion of Cattle Manure to Biooil: Biooil Definitions. In ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (pp. 145–149). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Golshahi, L., Abedi, J., & Tan, Z.. (2009). Granular filtration for airborne particles: correlation between experiments and models. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 87, 726–731. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company Hoboken.
Tan, Z., Zhang, H., Abedi, J., Yu, Z., & Martinuzzi, R.. (2009). Development of a new high-efficiency simple structure cyclone. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 87, 343–349. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company Hoboken.
Yin, S., Tao, X., Shi, K., & Tan, Z.. (2009). Biosolubilisation of Chinese lignite. Energy, 34, 775–781. Pergamon.
Zhao, B., Chen, C., & Tan, Z.. (2009). Modeling of ultrafine particle dispersion in indoor environments with an improved drift flux model. Journal of Aerosol Science, 40, 29–43. Pergamon.
Golshahi, L., PhD, P. E. Zhongchao, & PhD, P. E. Jalal Abed. (2008). Granular filtration for airborne nanoparticles. ASHRAE Transactions, 114, 533. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
Wang, A., Tan, Z., Qi, H., & XU, X.. (2008). Experimental study of the mechanisms of steam reactivation of unreacted calcium-based sorbent for Flue Gas Desulphurisation. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 1, 330–344. Inderscience.
Tan, Z., & Tay, R.. (2008). Sources contributing to PM2. 5 in a commercial truck cabin in winter. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 13, 54–58. Pergamon.
Tan, Z.. (2007). An analytical model for the fractional efficiency of a uniflow cyclone with a tangential inlet. In 2007 ASAE Annual Meeting (p. 1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
Tan, Z. C., & Wexler, A. S.. (2007). Fine particle counting with aerodynamic particle focusing and corona charging. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 5271–5279. Pergamon.
Cheng, X., Tan, Z., Wang, X., & Tay, R.. (2006). Air quality in a commercial truck cabin. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 11, 389–395. Pergamon.
Tan, Z., Cheng, X., Tay, R., & others,. (2006). Air quality in transportation cabins-part II: Air quality in a truck cabin. TRANSACTIONS-AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING REFRIGERATING AND AIR CONDITIONING ENGINEERS, 112, 518. ASHRAE; 1999.
Cheng, X., Tan, Z., Tay, R., & Yuan, W.. (2006). Air quality in transportation cabins–Part I: how much do we know about it?. ASHRAE transactions, 112.
Tan, Z., Yuan, W., & Cheng, X.. (2005). Conceputal design and evaluation of a novel submicron particle sizer: 2.2-11. Indoor Air Supplement, 15, 79. Indoor Air Supplement.
Ocfemia, K., Zhang, Y., & Tan, Z.. (2005). Ammonia absorption in a vertical sprayer at low ammonia partial pressures. Transactions of the ASAE, 48, 1561–1566. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
