PSYCH 2013: Research Design & Analysis
SOCI 2003: Introduction to Social Research
SOCI 4113: Seminar Social Research/Methodology
PSYCO 212: Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
SOC 315: Intro to Social Methodology
PSYC 496: Individ. Research: Research in Aging
PSYC 2127: Scientific Method & Analysis
SWRK 2127: Introduction to Social Work Research - and - SWRK 3456: Social Work Research and Program Evaluation
SOSC 366: Research Methods in the Social Sciences
Psych 304: Research in Psychology
HADMIN 499: Research Methods in Health Care
HSRV 499: Research Methods in Health Services
Brandon |
88:491: Research Methods I
88:592: Research Methods II
Sociology 2206A: Research Methods in Sociology
British Columbia
SOCI 382: Sociological Methods: Qualitative Research
SWK320: Social Work Research
PSYC 217: Research Methods in Psychology
PSYO 270: Introduction to Research Methods and Design
SWK 301: Research & Evaluation in Social Work
SOWK 420: Introduction to Social work Research
SOCI 2P11: Introduction to Research Methods
SOSC 2P90: Research in the Social Sciences
CHYS 3P10: Qualitative Research Methods in Child and Youth Studies
SWK302: Research in context Theme
SOWK 361: Social Work Research
SOWK 355: Research in Context
SOWK 353: Research & Evaluation
SOC-SOWK 320: Social research
Cape Breton
COMS 2100: Community Studies - Applied Research
COMS 2103: Experiential Intro to Research Methods
COMS 2105: Experiential Approach to Community Based Research
PSYC 2111: Research Methods in Psychology
MT462: Principles of Research in Music Therapy
PSYC212: Research Methods in Psychology
SOWK 3001/SOWK 2501: Introduction to Research Methods in Social Work
PSCI 2701: Introduction to Research Methods in Political Science
PSYC 2001: Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
Psychology 310: Strategies of Inquiry/Research Methods & Designs
RSCH 73000: Understanding Research
PS 4613: Advanced Research Methods in Psychology
SLWK 3084: Understanding Research Methods
SLWK 3085: Social Work Research
SLWK 3086 & 3087: Social Work Research
SOSA 3403: Qualitative and Field Methods
HSCE 3010: Introduction to Health Research: Application and Practices
Douglas College |
SOWK 4160: Research Methods in Social Work |
Fraser Valley
SOWK 404: Research Methods and Evaluation
PSYC 202: Research Methods in Psychology
Georgian |
RAPP 1005: Qualitative Research
Grant MacEwen |
SOWK 311: Critical Thinking and Research
SCMA 2040: Research Methods for Social Science
FRHD 3070: Research Methods – Family Studies
SOAN 3070: Qualitative and Observational Methods
PSYC 2360: Psychological Methods and Statistics(Introductory Research Methods)
SOAN *2120: Introductory Methods
PSYC 2001: Research
SOCI 2911: Social Research Traditions
SOCI 3310: Foundations of Social Research
SOCI 3311: Intermediate Research Methods
PSYC 3911: Introduction to Research Processes
SOWK 4405: Research in Social Work
SOCI 2127: Research Methods and Data Analysis
SWRK 3505: Applied Research in Social Work (originally SWRK-4105)
SESO 3555 fr: méthodes de recherche
SWRK 3555 el: Intro to Research Methods
ISWK 3555: Indigenous Social Work Research Methodologies
NSWK 3555: Research Methods in Social Work
NATI 3215: Community Research Methods
PSYC 3400: Advanced Research Design & Data Analysis
STS 270: Social Science Research Methods
HLSC/PSYCH 3260: Research in Addiction
SWRK 3100: Systematic Inquiry in Social Work
PSYC 2250: Intro. To Psychological Research
SOC 2290: Introduction to Research Methods
SOC77.447: Research Methods I
PSYC 2250: Introduction to Psychological Research
POLI-311: Techniques of Empirical Research
SWK 407-370A: Intro to Social Word Research
WMST 303: Feminist Theory and Research
SWRK 423: Social Work Research
SOCI 211: Sociological Inquiry
CMST 2TM6: Foundations in Communication Reserach: Theory & Methods
CMST 2RA3: Applications in Communication Theory and Methods
HLTH AGE 2A03: Research Methods in Health and Aging 1
SOCI 2Z03: Intro. To Sociological Research
SOCI 3O03: Qualitative Research Methods
PNB 2XF3: Research Methods
SOCPSY 2K03: Research Methods in Soci Sci
INDGST 2M03: Indigenous Research Methods & Ethics
SW 4410: Applied Research & Evaluation for Social Work Practice
SW 4421: Research & Evaluation for Social Work Practice
SW 3410 (formerly 4410): Applied Research & Evaluation for Social Work Practice
SOC 3040: Intro. To Methods of Social Research
Moncton |
TSOC 4403: Recherche en travail social
TSOC 4413: Seminaire de recherche
Montreal |
SVS 1341: Research Methodology in Social Sciences |
Mount Allison |
PSYC 2001: Research Design & Analysis I
SOCI 3311: Qualitative Research Methods
Mount Royal |
SLGY 2232: Introduction to Sociological Research Methods
SLWK 4417: Social Work Research in Practice: Empowering Individuals, Families and Communities
Mount Saint Vincent |
SOAN 2510: Foundations of Social Research
New Brunswick
PSYC 2123: Quantitative Research Methods
SOWK 1203: Methods II - Group & Research
SWK 330: Social Work Research Methods
Nicola Valley
SOCW 301: intro to social work research
PSYC 3356: Design and Analysis I
SOCI 2126: Social Research Methods
SWRK 3226: Social Work Research
SWRK 4206: Social Work Research
Northern British Colombia
SOCW 330: Social Work Research, Policy & Practice
Northern College
AA 1083: Introduction to Research
Ontario Institute
SSCI 2900U: Research Methods
EDU 5191: Methods & Interpretation in Quantitative Research 1
PSY2174: Research Methods & Ethics
SCS 2150: Introduction to research methodology in the social sciences
SOC 3117: Qualitative Research Laboratory
DVM 5122: Research Seminar
Prince Edward Island
SOC 331(0): Methodology and Social Research I
PSY 272: Intro to Psychological Research
PSY 278/279: Statistics & Research Design I/II
Queens |
PSYC 203: Research Methods in Psychology
SOCY 210: Social Research Methods
SOC 321: Social Research Methods
PSY 230: Research Methods: Experimental Design
SW451: Social Work Research (Introduction to Human Services Research)
PSYC 204: Research Meth in Psych
Royal Roads |
IICS 630: Advanced Research Methods AND PCOM 620: Research in Communication Studies |
Saint-Boniface, affiliated with the University of Manitoba |
SWRK 3103 Méthodologie de la recherche en travail social (methodology of research in social work) |
Saint Francis Xavier
PSY 290: Research Methods and Statistics
PSCI 399: Research Methods and Statistics
PSY 390: Advanced Statistics for Psychological Research
SOC 202: Research Principles and Practices
SOC 211: Evaluation Research Methodology
Sociology/Nursing 300: Research Methods
ANTH 304: Principles and Methods of Fieldwork
Saint Mary’s
SOC/CRIM 2100: Social Research Methods
SOC/CRIM 3100: Qualitative Research Methods
PSYC 2340: Research Methods in Psychology
Saint Thomas |
SOC 2013: Research Methods
PSY 2023: Introduction to Research Methods
CRIM 2103: Qualitative Research Methods in Criminology
CRIM 3103: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods in Criminology
SCWK 3503: Research Methods for Social Work
SOC232.3: Methods of Social Research
SOC332.6: Principles of Research Design
PSY2023: Introduction to Research Methods
CSRV21011: Introduction to Applied Research in Social Services
Simon Fraser
SOC255-4: Social Research I
Thompson Rivers
SOCW 320: Introduction to Social Work Research
SOCW 3010: Introduction to Social Work Research
PSYC 2111: Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
PSY B01H3: Psychological Research Laboratory
PSY B04H3: Foundations in Psychological Research
SOC 221: The Logic of Social Inquiry
WST B05H3: Research and Inquiry in Women's and Gender Studies
Toronto Metropolitan
(formerly Ryerson)
SWK 538/638: Social Work Research
SOC 482: Sociological Methods of media research
Trent |
PSYC 2018H: Critical Thinking & Research Methods
SOCI 2150Y: Sociology Research Methods
SWRK 3003H: Social Work Research
PSYC 3603/SOCI 3603: Research Methods in the Social Sciences
Vancouver Island |
SOCW 402: Research Methods for Social Change in Community Social Work |
SOCW 318: Research Strategies for Social Work Practice
SOCW 319/419: Research for Social Change
SOCW 301: Research Practitioner in Human Services
SDS 251R: Social Research (Research Methods)
PSYCH 291: Basic Research Methods
HLTH 344: Research Methods II: Evaluations, Qualitative & Survey Methods
SOC 221: Research Methods
Western Ontario
SOCWK 205: Research Methods and Statistics
INTERDIS 2252: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Qualitative Research Methods
Social Work 2206A/B: Research Methods for SW
SOC 2206: Research Methods in Sociology
PSYCH 2840: Research Methods in Psychology
PSYC 2800: Research Methods in Psychology
SOCWK 4429: Practice-Based Research
SOC 231: Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics
Wilfrid Laurier
PS 291: Intro to Research Methods
SK322: Qualitative Research Methods & Analysis
SY/SOCI 280: Research Methods 1
SY/SOCI 281: Research Methods II
CC 233: Social Science Research Methods
KP 261: Research Methods 1
PS 295: Intro to Research Methods
HS 233: Introduction to Social Sciences Research Methods
SWK47 – 344: Research I: Foundations of Social Work Research
POL 45 – 275: Research Methods in Pol. Sci
PSY46 – 229: Experimental Psychology
PSY 230: Social Science Research Methods
PSY46 – 312: Advanced Research Methods
SOC 48-390: Qualitative Approaches to Social & Cultural Research
AP/GWST 4555: Feminist Methodologies and Methods
HLST 4200: Applied Research Approaches in Health Studies
SOCI 2030: Techniques of Soc. Research
PSYC 2030: Introduction to Research Methods
PSYC 3010: Intermediate Research Methods
SOWK 3070: Foundations of Social Work Research
SOCI 3310: Social Research
SOWK 3100: Systematic Inquiry in Social Work