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Alice Schmidt Hanbidge

Associate Professor


Ph.D., Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University

M.S.W., Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University

B.A., Sociology, University of Waterloo

Edwin Ng

Associate Professor

Edwin Ng is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at Renison University College, Affiliated with University of Waterloo. He completed his PhD in Social Science and Health in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.

Andrea Daley



Ph.D., University of Toronto, Social Work, Collaborative Program in Health Services and Policy Research

M.S.W., York University, Toronto

B.S.W., York University, Toronto 

Margaret F. (Meg) Gibson

Associate Professor - Social Work and Social Development Studies


Ph.D., University of Toronto – Social Work, Collaborative degree in Women & Gender Studies

M.S.W., University of Toronto - Social Work

B.A., Harvard University – History & Science

Kelly Laurila

Definite Term Lecturer


Ph.D., Wilfrid Laurier University - Social Work

M.S.W., Wilfrid Laurier University - Social Work, Indigenous Field of Study

M.Ed., Southwest Texas State University - Education

Moyo Rainos Mutamba

Definite Term Lecturer


Ph.D., University of Toronto, Social Justice Education

M.S.W, University of Toronto (Social Justice and Diversity)

B.A. Economics, Trent University

Susan Cadell



1996-2000    PhD, Faculty of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON

1998-1990    MSW, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON

1983-1985    BA, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

Colleen McMillan

Associate Professor


  • BES, Urban Planning, University of Waterloo 

  • Master of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University

  • Diploma in Social Policy, Wilfrid Laurier University

  • Clinical Intern Program, St. Michael’s Family Therapy Centre 

  • PhD, Faculty of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo 

Trish Van Katwyk

Associate Professor and Director


PhD                             Wilfrid Laurier University                  Social Work               June 2009

MSW                           Wilfrid Laurier University                                                     June 1994

BA (psychology)       University of Waterloo                                                         June 1991




SWREN 422R – Macro Practice: Critical Considerations of Community Organization

SWREN 434R – Practitioner Research in Social Work: Intersectional Considerations



SWK 603 – Leadership in Social Work

SWK 608 – Health Issues and Ethics


Community Engaged Scholarship

2021 - Inuit Youth Telling Stories About Policy and Culture.

In this project, I worked with an MSW practicum student and a group of Inuit youth in three communities in Nunavut, supporting their digital story creation. We engaged in critical autoethnography to interrogate the decolonizing and colonizing processes that can occur. This project was funded by the Nunavut Film Commission.

2020 - Exploring PSW Precarity During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Funded by SSHRC (Canada) and SSRC (USA), this research involved gathering stories from PSWs in Ontario and British Columbia about their work during the pandemic. After sharing their story, each PSW created an image that represented their story, working closely with a visual artist. These photovoice images and the accompanying artist statements, my co-researcher, Veen Wong, and I mobilized the lessons we had learned through social media, ongoing discussions with politicians and policy makers, and an academic publication.

I have recently earned a SSHRC grant to explore the multiple and diverse policies that work together to contribute to the ongoing precarity described by the PSWs. This research will be conducted with Veen Wong.

2020 - Healing Tattoos.

For this SSHRC-funded project, I have been a research team member headed by Susan Cadell. Using digital stories and narrative interviews, we explored the stories of healing that tattoos can carry. My major contribution was to provide digital storytelling training to the research team, who then provided support to research participants who were making digital stories.

 2017 - present - Art, Schizophrenia and Challenging Stigma. This Ross & Doris Dixon Foundation funded project, I worked with a BSW practicum student, Chantal Pfaff, and a group of individuals who had been diagnosed with a psychiatric diagnosis to learn about the impact of receiving a diagnosis. We created paintings together, including two collaborative pieces. We also worked with a playwright to create a series of monologues with accompanied each painting in a temporary online art show. We are currently writing two academic articles for publishing, as well as a play script, where we are exploring stigma, the normalizing gaze, and the resistances that have been described.

2016-present - Two Row Wampum Paradigmatic Exploration of Alliance-building 

This research is using multiple methods to explore the possibilities and potentials of alliance-building between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Some of the methodology focuses on the alliances that can occur between Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth, and youth participants created digital stories about their participation in the project. The methodology is an action methodology, using paddling, journeying and active dialogue to build and document alliance-building. Working with Dr. Bonnie Freeman, an Indigenous scholar from the School of Social Work at McMaster University, this research involved our participation in a Two Row Wampum renewal event, paddling on the Grand River for nine days, paddling, camping, sharing meals and traditional teachings with the other participants.

We have continued our research by hosting a series of dialogues between Indigenous youth, non-Indigenous youth and the Waterloo Regional Police Service. The dialogue was documented by a team of Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth artists as a poster about colonial structures and the Two Row Wampum.

We have developed a course that will be offered at McMaster University and Renison University College about land-based learning and environmental justice that will include participation in the Two Row Paddle on the Grand.


Daley, A. & Van Katwyk, T. (2021). De-coupling and re-coupling violence and madness. In Beresford, P. & Russo, J. (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Mad Studies. (253- 265). London: Routledge.

Van Katwyk, T. & Wong, V. (2022). Personal support workers and Covid 19: Political and existential precarity. Items: Insights from the Social Sciences (February 10, 2022).

Van Katwyk, T., & Guzik, C. . (2022). Using collaborative critical autoethnography to decolonise through “seeing” and doing: Social work, community engagement, and ethical practice. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work34(2), 67–80. Retrieved from

Mutamba, M., Wong, V., & Van Katwyk, T. (2022). Getting under the skin of society: embodiment, belonging, and the power of counter-listening. Social Work in Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/15332985.2022.2094746

Van Katwyk, T., Wong, V., & Geiger, G. (2020). Expression of story: Ethical considerations for participatory, community- and arts-based research relationships. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 32(4), 145-157.

Van Katwyk, T., Zagata, S., & Grande, S. (2020). Critical considerations of power in academia: An Emerging theory of growth rooted in the margins of love, solidarity, and praxis. Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies, 18(2).

Freeman, B. & Van Katwyk, T. (2020). Navigating the waters: Understanding allied relationships through the Teken-Teychàike Kahswénhtake Two Row research paradigm. Journal of Indigenous Social Development, 9(1): 60 – 76.

Ashcroft, R., Kennedy, L., & Van Katwyk, T. (2019) An Exploration of the methods of communication between policy makers and providers that help facilitate implementation of primary health care reforms. Social Work in Public


Freeman, B. & Van Katwyk, T. (2018). Testing the Waters: Engaging the Tekéni Teyohà:ke Kahswénhtake - Two Row Wampum into a Research Paradigm. The Canadian Journal of Native Education, 41(1):146-167.

Van Katwyk, T. & Seko, Y. (2018). Resilience beyond risk: Youth re-defining resilience through collective art-making. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.

Van Katwyk, T. & Soueidan-O’Leary, D. (2017). Uncovering the public/private dilemma for rural youth using participatory action research. Critical Social Work, 18(1).

Ashcroft, R., Van Katwyk, T. & Hogarth, K. (2017). An Examination of the holism paradigm: A View of Social Work. Social Work in Public Health, 0(0), 1 – 14.

Van Katwyk, T. & Seko, Y. (2017). Knowing through improvisational dance: A Collaborative autoethnography. Forum: Qualitative Research, 18(2), Art. 1.

Van Katwyk, T. & Case, R. (2017). From suspicion and accommodation to structural transformation: Enhanced scholarship through enhanced community- university relations. Engaged Scholar Journal, 2(2), 25 - 43.

Seko, Y. & Van Katwyk, T. (2016). Embodied interpretation: Assessing the knowledge produced through a dance-based inquiry. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 28(4), 54-66. Open access:

Van Katwyk, T. & Ashcroft, R. (2016). Using Participatory Action Research to access social work voices: Acknowledging the fit. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 27(3), 191-204.

Ashcroft, R. & Van Katwyk, T. (2016). Joining the global conversation: Social workers define health using a participatory action research approach. The  British Journal of Social Work, 46(2), 1-18.

Ashcroft, R., & Van Katwyk, T. (2016). An examination of the biomedical paradigm: A View of Social Work. Social work in Public Health31(3), 140-152.

Liegghio, M., Van Katwyk, T., Freeman, B., Caragata, L., Sdao-Jarvie, K., Brown, K.C., & Sandu, A. (2016). Policing and police encounters among a community population of children and youth accessing mental health services. Social Work in Mental Health, 14(3), 14 – 27.

Van Katwyk, T., Liegghio, M. & Laflamme, L. (2014). Democratic learning: The study circle as a critical approach to social work education. Canadian Social Work Review, 31(2), 1-14.

Van Katwyk, T. (2010). Book review: Mary Friedman & Shana L. Calixte: Mothering and blogging: The radical act of the mommyblog. APA Newsletters, Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy, 10(1), 30-31.

Van Katwyk, T. (2006). “Random Acts of Motherism: Using Self-Definition to Resist Discourse and Take Collective Action”. Women and Environments International Magazine, 72/73: 46-47.

Special Community Engaged Project:

2010 – present

Humanities 101: Free Post Secondary Course for Individuals Facing Barriers.

This is a course that is offered in the Spring term to community members who have an interest in university education, but have faced obstacles in accessing the university. The course is entitled Environment Justice, and considers environmental justice, health, wellbeing, and equity from a social work lens. This course was developed and facilitated with 1 BSW and 2 MSW practicum students.  It is now being delivered virtually, with students from different regions able to participate. We receive funding from the Ross & Doris Dixon Foundation. 

Van Katwyk, T. (2012). Book appraisal reportOvercoming Barriers and Finding Strengths: The Lives of Single Mothers  in  University. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.

Liegghio, M., Van Katwyk, T., & Laflamme, L. (2011, December). Preliminary findings of undergraduate students’ experiences of the study circle as a critical approach to higher education. Manuscript presented at: Research on Teaching and Learning: Integrating Practices Conference, The Centre for Leadership   in Learning, December 7-8, 2011, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.

Van Katwyk, T. & Liegghio, M. (2011, March). Democracy and inclusion in higher education:

Can the study circle live up to its promises? Manuscript presented at: Centre for the Study of Students in Postsecondary Education (CSS), Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto, Women’s Perspectives on Student Development conference, March 3-5, 2011, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.






Freeman, B., Van Katwyk, T., Bailey, J., & Joseph, E. (August 24, 2022). Co-design and co-production through the Haudenosaunee principles of the Two Row Wampum Agreement: Water (canoe)-based workshop. Towards a New Era of Equity-based Co-Design. COPRO 2022, In-person International Forum (refereed).

Van Katwyk, T. & Guzik, C. (March 9, 2022). Collaborative critical autoethnography. Issues of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization in Research and Practice. uCalgary Faculty of Social Work Annual Research Symposium. (refereed). 

Van Katwyk, T. (February 4, 2022). Arts-based research: Critically enhancing the possibilities for participation, relationship, and action through an ethic of story boundedness. Practicing the Social: Entanglements of Art and Justice. Re.Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice (uGuelph) and Bodies in Translation: Activist Art, Technology and Access to Life (BIT)

Guzik, C. & Van Katwyk, T. (June 2, 2021). Digital Storytelling and Decolonizing Practice with Inuit Youth. CASWE-ACFTS Conference. (refereed).

Freeman, B., La Rose, T., & Van Katwyk, T. (May 20, 2021). Decolonizing through collaboration: Learning through analysis of a digital story of the Two Row Wampum project. ICQI virtual conference, 2021. (refereed).

Van Katwyk, T., Al-Azraki, A., & Esfahani, S. (October 26, 2018). Round table presentation: Assessing the learning that occurs with arts-based pedagogy: Learning about social justice. Universities Art Association of Canada Conference, 2018. (refereed).

Freeman, B. & Van Katwyk, T. (May 31, 2018). Presentation: River of reconciliation: Understanding cultural differences and building relationships through Two Row canoe journey. 2018 CASWE-ACFTS Conference: Honouring Reconciliation and Respecting our Differences. (refereed)

Freeman, B., Johnson, S., & Van Katwyk, T. (May 30, 2018). Presentation: Building university/community relationships and canoe revitalization through water and land-based pedagogy. 2018 CASWE-ACFTS Conference: Honouring Reconciliation and Respecting our Differences. (refereed)

Ambrose-Miller, W., Hogarth, K., Chau, S., Van Katwyk, T., & Freeman, B. (May 30, 2018). Panel discussion: Moving beyond safe spaces in race discourse. 2018 CASWE-ACFTS Conference: Honouring  Reconciliation and Respecting our Differences. (refereed)

Hiller, C. & Van Katwyk, T. (May 2, 2018). Workshop: Attending to the architecture: Immersing in place as a set of de/colonizing relations. 2018 Teaching Learning Innovations Conference, University of Guelph Open Ed

Freeman, B. & Van Katwyk, T. (June 13, 2017). Workshop: Testing ethical spaces: Capsizing, the river, and the Two Row Wampum. Alta 2017 – 4th International Indigenous Voices in Social Work Conference: Alta, Norway. (refereed)

Van Katwyk, T. (May 30, 2017). Research with rural youth: How an intersectional analysis calls upon an arts-based response and/as action. Interrogating Social Work in “Nation” Building. CASWE-ACFTS Conference 2017: Ryerson University, Toronto, ON. (refereed)

Van Katwyk, T. & Freeman, B. (May 30, 2017). Testing the waters: Building a relationship through the Two Row research paradigm. Interrogating Social Work in “Nation” Building. CASWE-ACFTS Conference 2017: Ryerson University, Toronto, ON. (refereed)

Van Katwyk, T. & Hiller, C. (May 29, 2017). Attending to the architecture: Immersing in place as a set of de/colonizing relations. Pedagogies of Decolonization and Reconciliation in the Post-Secondary Classroom. Canadian Critical Pedagogy Association/FHSS Congress 2017: Ryerson University, Toronto, ON. (refereed)

Van Katwyk, T. & Case, R. (April 21, 2017). Re-visioning scholarship for social justice: Addressing university-based aversion to prompt meaningful community-based scholarship. 10th Annual York University Department of Social Work Research Symposium. (refereed)

Freeman, B., Kinsella, S., Dubie, D., Liegghio, M. & Van Katwyk, T. (2015). "Understanding the effects of ongoing colonization: Trauma-work with First Nation, Metis, and Inuit youth." Grounding Trauma: Trauma, Youth, and Young Families Research Prevention and Intervention, Alliston, Canada: May 6- 7, 2015. (Refereed).

Van Katwyk, T. (2014). "Dear mental health professional, listen. No really, listen!": Adopting an anti-stigma approach to practice in child and youth mental health. XVI World Congress of the World Psychiatry Association, Madrid, Spain: September 14 - September 18, 2014. (Refereed).

Van Katwyk, T. & Ashcroft, R. (2014). Research poster: Social Work and Health: How health is defined, conceptualized, taught and practiced. ASWE-ACFTS National Joint Social Work Conference. Brock University, St Catherines: May 2014. (Refereed).

Ashcroft, R. & Van Katwyk, T. (2014). Think Tank: Social work as health work: What does this mean for social work education? ASWE-ACFTS National Joint Social Work Conference. Brock University, St Catherines: May 2014. (Refereed).

Hanbidge-Schmidt, A. & Van Katwyk, T. (2014). Paper presentation: Teaching with a blog: knowledge mobilization and critical pedagogy. CASWE-ACFTS National Joint Social Work Conference. Brock University, St Catherines: May 2014. (Refereed).

Van Katwyk, T. (2012). Study circles: Applying a social justice lens to social work education. CASWE-ACFTS Conference. Waterloo, ON. May, 2012. (Refereed).

Van Katwyk, T. (2012). Social work education at the crossroads: No boundaries? No borders? CASWE-ACFT Conference. Waterloo, ON. May, 2012. (Refereed).

Van Katwyk, T. (2011). Preliminary findings of undergraduate students’

experiences of the study circle as a critical approach to higher education.

Research on Teaching & Learning: Integrating Practices. McMaster University. December, 2011. (Refereed).

Van Katwyk, T. (2011). Study Circles. Women’s Perspectives on Student Development

Conference. Toronto, ON. March, 2011. (Refereed).

Van Katwyk, T. (2008). Constructed Identity, Social Policy and the Unique Self. Social Work National Conference: Human Rights in a Diverse World. Toronto, ON. May, 2008. (Refereed).

Van Katwyk, T. (2008). Textual power analysis: Practicing radical research.

Narrative Matters Conference. Toronto, ON. May, 2008. (Refereed)



Freeman, B. & Van Katwyk, T. (2023). Disruptive research and decolonizing practice. Practices and Research Together, Catholic Children’s Aid Society. (Webinar: February 28, 2023)

Van Katwyk, T. (2022). Building Respectful Research Relationships with Indigenous       Communities. University of Waterloo, Office of Research, Research Equity (June 9, 2022).

Gibson, M. & Van Katwyk, T. (January 12, 2022). Stories, knowledge, and Social Work: Mobilizing Social Work research and practice. OASW Members’ Lecture Series. (Invited Presentation).

Van Katwyk, T., Wong, V., & Philbert, T. (April 26, 2022). PSW experiences in the pandemic: A Photovoice project. Head of Health Sciences PSW Program Coordinators Subcommittee Meeting. Seneca College. (Invited Presentation).

Van Katwyk, T., Wong, V., & Philbert, T. (July 20, 2021). “Invisible Heartbreak: Personal Support Workers Share Their Frontline Experiences. Renison Lecture Series.

Van Katwyk, T. (2020). “Self  Care and Collective Care: Training Workshop for Practicum Supervisors”. School of Social Work, Renison University College and Faculty of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University.

Freeman, B. & Van Katwyk, T. (2020). “The Poster Project: Indigenous and Settler Youth Consider their Relations with Police”. School of Social Work, York University.

Freeman, B. & Van Katwyk, T. (2020). “The Poster Project: Indigenous and Settler Youth Consider their Relations with Police”. School of Social Work, Ryerson University.

Van Katwyk, T. & Al-Azraki, A. (2018). “Trauma, Social Justice, and Theatre of the Oppressed: Training Workshop for Practicum Supervisors”. School of Social Work, Renison University College and Faculty of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University.

Van Katwyk, T. (2018). “Ethics, Health and Social Work Practice”. Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto. (October 30, 2018).

Van Katwyk, T. (2017). “Community Based Participatory Research”. Communication Studies, Faculty of Arts, Wilfrid Laurier University. (November 29, 2017).

Van Katwyk, T. (2017). “Ethics and Practicum Supervision”. School of Social Work, Training for Practicum Supervisors, Renison University College. (February 16, 2017).

Seko, Y. & Van Katwyk, T. (2016). “Ethics, Health and Social Work Practice”. Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto. (November 14, 2016).

Van Katwyk, T. (2016). “Dancing In To, Out & Across Community: The Relational Implications of Community-Engaged Research”. Renison University College, AGM presentation. (October 26, 2016).

Van Katwyk, T. (2016). “Buber and the Sacred Encounter”. Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, Wilfrid Laurier University: Therapeutic Relationships in Spiritual Care & Therapy. (October 26, 2016).

Van Katwyk, T., Sherbakov, A. (2016). Workshop presentation: Youth, Police and Community: An Open Dialogue. Department of Community & Criminal Justice, Conestoga College (April 1, 2016).

Van Katwyk, T. (2015). “Education and Access”. Graduation ceremony presentation,

The Working Centre. (November 16, 2015).

Van Katwyk, T. (2015). Workshop presentation: Recognition theory and newcomer support service delivery. Parkdale Intercultural Association (December 4, 2015).

Van Katwyk, T. & Karmaker, S. (2015). "Art as resistance and social action". Social Planning Council of Cambridge and North Dumfries 10th Annual Poverty Symposium: "The Working Poor", Cambridge, Canada. (May 27, 2015).

Van Katwyk, T., Karmaker, S. & Fletcher, W. (2015). “Art and voice”. Mobilizing Strength in Individuals and Communities through Art. School of Social Work, Renison University College, Social Work Week, Community Workshop series. (March 2, 2015).

Van Katwyk, T. & Liegghio, M. (2014). Workshop presentation: The voice of resilience: An anti-stigma approach with young people and their  caregivers  in  child  and  youth mental health. Ontario Association of Social Workers Provincial Conference: (November 13 - 15, 2014).

Van Katwyk, T. (2014). Paper presentation: Critical pedagogy and sex education. Dare  to Stand Out Canada, National GSM Service Providers Summit, Toronto: Ryerson University. (June 22- 23, 2014).



Van Katwyk, T. (2017). Project presentation and dance performance: “The Recognition Project: Self-Harm and Recognition Through Dance, Shadowplay”. Renison University College. (November 10, 2017).

Van Katwyk, T. (2017). Project presentation and dance performance: “The Recognition Project: Self-Harm and Recognition Through Dance, Shadowplay”. The Resilience Project @ The Family Centre, Waterloo Region Family and Children’s Services. (November 9, 2017).

Van Katwyk, T. (2017). Project presentation: “Sculpture as knowledge mobilizer: A research project about the local youth experience”. Township of Centre Wellington, Elora: Information Centre. (May 28, 2017).



SWREN424R Diversity and Empowerment SWREN422R Macro Practice

SWREN431R Fields of Social Work Practice SWREN434R Theories of Social Work Practice SWREN441R Integration Seminar


Course development

SWREN431R: Fields of Integrative Practice, undergraduate BSW, 30 students, School of Social Work, Renison University College, University of Waterloo. Re-developed an online version of this course.

SWREN422R: Macro Practice, undergraduate BSE, 30+ students. School of Social Work, Renison University College, uWaterloo. Re-developed an online version of this course.



SWK 600R Diversity and Health SWK 604R Program Evaluation

SWK 605R Knowledge Mobilization & Evidence Based SWK 608R Health Issues and Ethics

SK 652 Advanced Practice with Families SK 504 Research Methods

SK 641 Social Policy Analysis



SWK 654R Indigenous Wellbeing, Health, and Social Justice - MSW

This interdisciplinary course is intended to engage and advance knowledge and practice in Indigenous wellbeing and health through a social justice lens. The course critically links determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ wellbeing and health to historical and ongoing colonial priorities and practices. Disparities in health and social issues, access to care, and systemic challenges, including racism experienced by Indigenous Peoples in different regions and contexts, are shared as points for discussion and reflection. An intersectionality lens is applied in consideration of the unique wellbeing and health experiences among Indigenous Peoples, including Indigenous women, youth, and Two Spirit Peoples. Indigenous approaches to science, healing, and community-based ethical practices are also profiled in social work and health care delivery, research, policy, and programming. The knowledges, values, and perspectives of Indigenous Peoples are highlighted throughout this course, incorporated within a variety of resources including readings, film and other arts-based narratives that include Indigenous scholars and community activists, in the delivery of course content and assignments. This course was created in consultation with a local Indigenous Advisory Circle that included community-based Indigenous Elders, health leaders, social workers, and academics involved in Indigenous initiatives and research.


SWK 608R Health Issues & Ethics - MSW

This course considers the nature of health itself, and explores the complexities of a

health care system that corresponds with our values and ethics while being effective and financially stable. Three related themes serve as substrates for the semester: the nature of health, delivery of health care, and populations at risk. Issues such as how health and illness are defined, the roles of preventive and curative approaches, and

the impacts and ethics of new technologies will be addressed. The course compares public and private models, focuses on community health care as a developing new paradigm, and examines the particular challenges of marginalized and vulnerable communities.


SWK 605R Knowledge Mobilization & Evidence-Based Practice - MSW

The goal of knowledge mobilization is to make research in health and social science more useful to policy, practice, and the public. In this course students learn how to gather, evaluate, synthesize, and summarize scholarly knowledge in ways that meet the need, timeframes, cultures, and realities of stakeholders.

Activities include framing academic research in the context of public issues and creating knowledge products for practitioners and policy-makers in the students' areas of interest.



Renison University College Committee Member:

Academic Council - Sept 2011-present

SSW Committee - Sept 2011-present

SSW Curriculum - 2011-present

Hiring Committee - Feb 2017-present

Truth & Reconciliation - March 2017 Commission

English for Multilingual Speakers (EMLS) - May 2017

Director Hiring - 2016

Faculty Hiring 2014-2016

Library Committee 2013-2015

Research Committee - 2013-2016

SSW Practicum - 2011-2015

School of Social Work Committee Chair

SSW Admissions - 2017- present

MSW applicants


Principle Investigator, Special Project

The Power Project - Nov 2016-2018

Critical Auto and Institutional Ethnography: Using critical research methods to develop an Understanding of institutionalized and personal experiences of oppression in order to create possibilities for positive change.


Member: Six Nations Polytechnic Seminar, Deyohahá:ge - 2016

This is a monthly seminar group that brings together Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, knowledge holders, curators, students and practitioners to explore the ways in which Indigenous and Western approaches to knowledge can be brought together using the Two Row Wampum Belt paradigm. The seminar is coordinated by Dr.

Daniel Coleman and Rick Hill.

Founder, Community Mentor                   

Elora, ON - 2010-2019

bungalow55 Community of Ideas Community-based collaboration center

Public space for planning groups, community activism, incubator for small enterprise, youth safe space, weekly free community meals, community garden.

(registered non-profit corporation)



Waterloo Region, ON - 2012

Humanities 101

Design, implementation and ongoing coordination of this multi-sector cost-free university course for financially marginalized individuals. Up to 25 students each year have attended this certificate course. Capacity building of professors, Teacher’s Assistants, social service providers, and community members volunteer for sustainable delivery of 12 classes on campus, and 10 study groups in the community on an annual basis. Solid partnerships with community agencies have been developed, and links are being built between other educational programs, including Wilfrid Laurier University’s (with The Working Centre) A2U supported degree program for community members who traditionally have been obstructed from attending university.



American Association of Marriage & Family Therapists

clinical member

Ontario Association of Social Workers
