Travel and accommodations

Travel information

We recommend using one of the following airports:

We recommend booking transportation between your airport and the Waterloo Delta Marriott with Airways Transit or Waterloo Taxi.

Maps and directions to the University of Waterloo 


A block of rooms at the Waterloo Delta Marriott has been set aside for Excellence and Gender Equity in Science and Technology attendees.

Local transportation

Shuttle between Delta Marriott and Federation Hall

Conference shuttles will provide transportation between the Delta Marriott and Federation Hall, at the beginning and ending of the day:

  • Shuttle will depart from the Delta Marriott at 7:45 and 8:15 AM
  • Shuttle will depart from Federation Hall at 6:00 PM and 6:45 PM


It is a pleasant 2.5km walk between the hotel and conference venue. Here is the walking map.

On Campus Parking

This interactive campus map can help you find Federation Hall as well as parking. We recommend you park in Lot M ($6.00/day) or Lot X ($5.00/day). Lot M tends to fill up in the morning, but there is usually an abundance of spaces in Lot X.

Getting around Waterloo

Conference homepage