MEMS = Micro-electromechanical systems
IEEE = The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Refereed journal publications
- Won S.P., Melek W.W., and Golnaraghi F., "A kalman/particle filter-based position and orientation estimation method for a position transducer/inertial measurement unit (IMU) hybrid sensing system", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 1787-1798, May 2010.
- Won S.P., Melek W.W., and Golnaraghi F., "A fastening tool tracking system using an IMU and a position sensor with kalman filters and a fuzzy expert system", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1782-1792, May 2009.
- Won S.P., and Golnaraghi F., "A Triaxial Accelerometer Calibration Method Using a Mathematical Model", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 2144-2153, Aug. 2010.
Full papers in refereed conference proceedings
- Won S.P., Melek W.W., and Golnaraghi F., "Hand-held fastening tool position sensing system using an inertial measurement unit", IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Porto, Portugal, November 3-5, 2009, pp. 2723-2728.
- Won S.P., Parnian N., Golnaraghi F., and Melek W.W., "A quaternion-based tilt angle correction method for a hand-held device using an inertial measurement unit", in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Orlando, FL, November 9-13, 2008, pp. 2971 - 2975.
- Won S.P., Melek W.W., and Golnaraghi F., "Position and orientation estimation with an IMU and a position sensor using a kalman filter and a particle filter", in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Orlando, FL, November 9-13, 2008, pp. 3006 - 3010.
- Parnian N., Won S.P., and Golnaraghi F., "Position sensing using integration of vision system and inertial sensors", in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Orlando, FL, November 9-13, 2008, pp. 3011 - 3015.
Invited talks
- Won S.P., "Development of an intelligent fastening tool tracking device", The Seventh International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, London, Ontario, Jun. 4-6, 2007.
Book chapters
- Won S.P., Melek W.W "Remote sensing hybridization technologies for in-door application using bayesian estimators", Position Location - Theory, Practice and Advances: A Handbook for Engineers and Academics. (Submitted)
Poster presentations (abstract refereed), application notes and others
- Won S.P., "Fastening tool tracking system using one position sensor and one inertial measurement unit", Technical report submitted to Mechworks Systems Inc., 2007
- Salam G., and Won S.P., "Inertial measurement unit test report", Technical report submitted to L-3 Communications Corp., 2006
- Won S.P., "Allowable orientation error for the fastening tool tracking system based on sensor errors", Technical report submitted to PINpoint Information Systems Inc., 2006.
- Won S.P., "Feasibility study on using bolt locations as secondary information for the tool tracking system", Technical report submitted to PINpoint Information Systems Inc., 2006.
- Won S.P., "Impact on position estimation due to accelerometer sampling rate and the moment arm length of a gyro-free inertial navigation system", Technical report submitted to PINpoint Information Systems Inc., 2006.
- Won S.P., "Simulation test on the inertial navigation system using twelve accelerometers", Technical report, Technical report submitted to PINpoint Information Systems Inc., 2005.
Non-refereed contributions
- Kim A., Treiber M., Won S.P., and Golnaraghi, F. "MEMS-based inertial navigation", Material and Manufacturing Ontario Conference, poster presentation, 2002.
- Golnaraghi F., Kaddatz J., Won S.P., and Kim A., "A proprioceptive sensor", Material and Manufacturing Ontario Conference, poster presentation, 2001.