BioMEMS = Biomicro-electromechanical systems
MEMS = Micro-electromechanical systems
MOEMS = Micro-(opto)-electromechanical systems
SPIE = The Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers
IEEE = The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Refereed journal publications
- Asiaei S., Afaghi Khatibi A., Baniasadi M., and Safdari M., "Effects of carbon nanotubes geometrical distribution on electrical percolation of nanocomposites: a comprehensive approach". Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, March 2010 (29) no. 6 818-829.
- Safdari M, Baniassadi M., Asiaei S., Garmestani H., and Ahzi S., "Modeling of biologically inspired adhesive pads using monte carlo analysis" Journal of adhesion science and technology, 2010 (24), 7.
Full papers in refereed conference proceedings
- Asiaei, S., Denomme, R., Marr, C., Nieva, P., Vijayan, M., "Fast self-assembly kinetics of alkanethiols on gold nano-particles, simulation and characterization by location surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy.", Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems, SPIE MEMS-MOEMS, January 2012.
- Asiaei S., and Nieva P.M., "Self-assembled monolayers' fast kinetics of adsorption on gold, modeling and experiment in a heterogeneous immunoassay", IEEE Sensors 2011, Limerick, Ireland, 28-31 October 2011. (Abstract Accepted)
- Asiaei S., Afaghi A., and Baniasadi M., "Modeling the percolation threshold of conductive polymer nanocomposites with carbon nanotube additives using Monte Carlo algorithm", 11'th National Symposium of Nanotechnology, Shiraz, Iran.
Poster presentations (abstract refereed), application notes and others
- Denomme R.C., Asiaei S., Hassanpour P.A., Nieva P.M., and Vijayan M., "Portable protein biosensor based on localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of metallic nanoparticles and interference spectroscopy", Microarray World Congress 2009, 6-7 August 2009, South San Francisco, California, USA.
- Asiaei S., Baniasadi M., and Afaghi A., "Continuum percolation of carbon nano tube composites via size distribution effects", International joint conference on knowledge management for composite materials, nano, and fuel cell technology, July 03 – 06, 2007, Dsseldorf Germany.
- Asiaei S., Baniasadi M., and Afaghi A., "Aligned percolation of carbon nanotube reinforced composites", International joint conference on knowledge management for composite materials, nano, and fuel cell technology, July 03 – 06, 2007, Dusseldorf Germany.