Selected publications

MEMS = Micro-electromechanical systems 

MOEMS = Micro-(opto)-electromechanical systems 

ASME = American Society of Mechanical Engineers

SPIE = The Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers

IEEE = The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

PECVD = Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition

Refereed journal publications

Full papers in refereed conference proceedings

Keynote speeches

  • Nieva P.M., "MEMS sensors for harsh environments," Keynote speech at the 2007 Nano Science and Technology Institute (NSTI) Nanotechnology Conf. and Trade Show, Santa Clara, CA, USA, May 2007.

Invited talks

  • Nieva P.M., "Laser interferometry for harsh environment MEMS," 2008 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, March 13, 2008, New Orleans, USA

  • Nieva P.M., "MEMS sensors for harsh environment applications," Int. Elect. Pack. Symp., National Trends in Small Scale Syst.& Microelect. Packaging, July 31, 2007, NY, USA

  • Nieva P.M., "A novel MOEMS pressure sensor: modeling and experimental evaluation," 10th Int. Conf. Adv. Mat., IUMRS-International Conference on advanced Materials (ICAM) 2007, October 8-13, 2007, Bangalore, India.

Poster presentations (abstract refereed), application notes and others

  • Godin J.R., Won S.P., Nieva P.M., Phong L.N., and Pope T., "Residual stress dependency on wafer location of thin film Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition€‹ (PECVD) silicon nitride," Boston: TechConnect World, June 2011.

  • Iyer K., Denomme R., and Nieva P., "Using nanosphere lithography to fabricate nanoparticle arrays for plasmonic applications," CMC Microsystems Application Note, Online, March 2011, CMC-00200-01522

  • Dyck N., Denomme R., and Nieva P.M., "Flow injection analysis system for use in spectroscopic characterization of photonic devices in a microfluidic environment," CMC Microsystems Application Note, Online, September 2010, CMC-00200-01363

  • Denomme R., Asiaei S., Hassanpour P.A., Nieva P.M., Vijayan M., "Portable protein biosensor based on localized surface plasmon resonance€‹ (LSPR) of metallic nanoparticles and interference spectroscopy," Lab-on-a-chip (LOAC) World Congress, 6-7 August 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1008-LOAC.

  • Mu M., Syed A., Nieva P.M., "Using bent-bridges to eliminate the galvanic effect in the manufacture of MEMS devices fabricated in the MEMSCAP PolyMUMPs process,"; CMC Microsystems Application Note, MS-31-03.11.09-A, March 11, 2009.

  • Bassiachvili E., Nieva P.M., Khajepour A., "On-chip young's modulus characterization of the effect of heavy phosphorus doping on polysilicon thin films", International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, 13-19 November 2009, FL, USA, IMECE 2009-13083.

  • Nieva P.M., Bassiachvili E., Hassanpour P.A., Shavezipur M., Denomme R., Asiaei S., Norris R., Effa D., Hanitijo D.,"SimsLab at University of Waterloo", International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition (IMECE), 13-19 November 2009, FL, USA, IMECE 2009.
