Krishna Iyer

Undergraduate student


Krishna Iyer


Phone: +1-519-888-4567 ext. 38492


  • Candidate for BASc, Nanotechnology Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Research interests

  • Optical properties of nanostructures
  • Fabrication of photonic nanoparticles


Full papers in refereed conference proceedings

MEMS = Micro-electromechanical systems 

MOEMS = Micro-(opto)-electromechanical systems 

SPIE = The Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers

  • Denomme, R., Iyer, K., Kreder, M., Smith, B., and Nieva, P., "Fabrication of large-area metal nanoparticle arrays by nanosphere lithography for localized surface plasmon resonance biosensors," SPIE Photonics West MOEMS-MEMS, San Francisco, vol. 7927, January 2011.

Poster presentations (abstract refereed), application notes and others

  • Iyer, K., Denomme R., and Nieva, P., "Using nanosphere lithography to fabricate nanoparticle arrays for plasmonic applications," CMC Microsystems Application Note, Online, March 2011, CMC-00200-01522.