PhD student

Phone: +1-519-888-4567 ext. 33639
- Candidate for PhD, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
- MASc, Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2005
- BASc, Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2001
Research interests
- Multifunctional sensors
- Carbon nanostructures
Refereed journal publications
- Sohi A.N., Nieva P.M., and Khajepour A., "A new bimaterial microcantilever with tunable thermomechanical response," Microelectronic Engineering (Under Review)
- Sohi A.N., and Naghdabadi R., "Stability of single-walled carbon nanopeapods under combined axial compressive load and external pressure," Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2009, 41(3), 513-517.
- Sohi A.N., and Naghdabadi R., "Stability of C60-peapods under hydrostatic pressure," Acta Materialia, 2007, 55(16), 5483-5488.
- Sohi A.N., and Naghdabadi R., "Torsional buckling of carbon nanopeapods," Carbon, 2007, 45(5), 952-957.
Full papers in refereed conference proceedings
MEMS = Micro-electromechanical systems
MOEMS = Micro-(opto)-electromechanical systems
ASME = American Society of Mechanical Engineers
SPIE = The Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers
IMECE = International Mechanical Engineering Congrees & Exposition
MNRC = McClellan Nuclear Research Center
ISME = Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers
- P. Nieva, J. Godin, R. Norris, A. Sohi, T. Leung, "Effects of dry plasma releasing process parameters and induced in-plane stress on MEMS devices yield", SPIE Photonics West 2012 MEMS-MOEMS, January 2012.
- Sohi A.N., Nieva P.M., Shavezipur M., and Khajepour A., "Modeling of a multifunctional pressure-temperature sensor," ASME IMECE 2009, Florida, USA.
- Sohi A.N., Nieva P.M., Shavezipur M., and Khajepour A., "A structurally multifunctional pressure-temperature sensor," MNRC 2009, Ottawa, Canada.
- Chehelamirani M., Sohi A.N., and Naghdabadi R., "Bending modulus and Young modulus of multilayered grapheme sheet," ISME 2008, Kerman, Iran.
- Sohi A.N., Naghdabadi R., and Arghavani J., "Axial stability of externally pressurized carbon nanopeapods," NS 2008, Kish Island, Iran.
- Taha Goudarzi, Sohi A.N., and Naghdabadi R., "Equilibrium distances of different arrangements of fullerenes in nanopeapods," ISME 2008, Kerman, Iran.
- Sohi A.N., Arghavani J., and Naghdabadi R., "Axial stability of single-walled carbon nanopeapods," ISME 2008, Kerman, Iran.