Ecotoxicology Research
Research in our lab centres around the broad areas of Ecotoxicology and Integrated Water Resources Management. Currently, our research activities are evaluating the exposure and effects of emerging contaminants (e.g. endocrine disrupters, pharmaceuticals) in the environment arising from municipal, industrial and agricultural activities. Our emphasis includes the development and application of new tools and approaches for risk assessment that supports the implementation of risk management and remedial actions. Research also includes development and testing of novel technologies for water treatment. Our long term goals are aimed at supporting cumulative effects assessment (and management) that considers natural variability at the watershed scale.
During the COVID-19 pandemic our team pivoted our research to support Public Health Units by conducting wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 (see COVID-19 Research)
Please read more about our Research, People and Publications by navigating the links on this site.
Dr. Mark Servos receives 2024 CEW Outstanding Contribution Award
The Water Institute congratulates Mark Servos on receiving the Outstanding Contribution Award from CEW on Oct 9th.
Ontario Ends COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance: Whats Next?
Ontario ends the COVID-19 wastewater surveillance program which has been provincially funded since the fall of 2020. It was a very important tool for pandemic preparedness and healthcare planning leaving behind a legacy of knowledge.
What's Next for UW Researchers after Termination of Wastewater Surveillance Program
As of July 31st, 2024 the Wastewater Surveillence Program in Ontario will be coming to an end. What will be next for this group of UW researchers? Find out the details from Spencer Turcotte at CTV News "What's next for UW researchers as province terminates COVID-19 wastewater testing."