Graduate Student Recruitment
We are currently recruiting several graduate students (PhD and MSc) and PDFs in areas of environmental toxicology and remediation. This includes, but is not restricted to:
- Environmental effects of emerging contaminants, effluents and runoff on fish:
- Mechanistic studies on specific chemicals of interest (molecular to individual level effects) with emphasis on on chemical interactions and effects on reproductive outcomes in fish;
- Responses of wild fish to major stressors (e.g. effluent, urban runoff) and remedial actions (e.g. wastewater treatment upgrades).
- Environmental fate of emerging contaminants of concern in municipal wastewater effluents, runoff (urban and agricultural) and the environment. Specifically we are looking for people with an interest in environmental chemistry to develop and apply methods (e.g., LC-MS/MS) for:
- Emerging contaminants in fish, wastewater and runoff;
- Environmental analysis and fate of algal toxins in the environment;
- Emerging technologies for the assessment of fish populations and health:
- validation of environmental DNA (eDNA) as new technique for assessing fish populations (barcoding and metabarcoding).
- Using novel DNA-nanoparticles as tracers in the environment.
- Nanoparticles and nanomedicines in the environment:
- Environmental toxicology and risk assessment of novel materials, including nanoparticles and nanomedicinal products.
- Design and application of novel nanoparticles for use as biosensors, nanomedicines and water treatment.
- Cumulative effects of multiple stressors across watersheds (Regional Monitoring Frameworks) including:
- The ecology and responses of small bodies fish in rivers;
- The role of natural variability in controlling population responses.
Interested students should send a letter of interest, resume and transcripts (unofficial initially) to Prof. Mark Servos.