Research Interests
After completing a MITAC PDF at McMaster University, Meghan has joined the Servos lab COVID-19 wastewater surveillance team. Meghan is working on SARS-CoV2 variants of concern.

PhD (Graduated fall 2016)
Determining the link between individual and population level effects of Municipal Wastewater Effluent on Rainbow Darters.
My research as a PhD student in the lab of Mark Servos is to further define the impacts of Municipal Wastewater effluent (MWWE) in Kitchener-Waterloo on the health and reproduction of a native fish species, the Rainbow Darter. Some of the questions that I will be asking are:
- Does MWWE impact the ability of Rainbow Darters to reproduce successfully?
- If so, how does this impact the genetic diversity of populations of Rainbow darters living near MWWE outfalls?
- Do measurements taken in field surveys and assessments accurately predict the reproductive success, and population level effects of MWWE on fish?
Personal Interests
I love spending time outside, especially around water. Learning how to surf was a dream come true. I also played the violin in the University of Waterloo Orchestra. Keep an eye out for one of our free concerts at the end of each semester.

For a list of Meghan's publications visit her Google Scholar page.