Patricija is a postdoctoral fellow (PDF) in the Servos Lab working on environmental DNA (eDNA) development and its potential application as a non-invasive tool for brook trout population monitoring in the Grand River sub watershed. Patricija has been a part of the Servos Lab since 2012 when she started her PhD journey with Dr. Mark Servos and Dr. Deborah MacLatchy, working on molecular and biochemical responses of rainbow darter to municipal wastewater treatment plant upgrades in the Grand River. Before that Patricija completed her Master’s in Ecology in Serbia at the University of Novi Sad. Although regarded as a molecular biologist among her lab mates, Patricija defines herself as a freshwater ecotoxicologist with particular interest in field-based and applied environmental research. Immediately after her PhD graduation in 2017, Patricija has started her PDF continuing to work with Dr. Mark Servos and Dr. Andrew Doxey this time on a project considered to be relatively cutting-edge developed under the Global Water Futures Program. As a PDF Patricija has been successfully working on developing the eDNA tool and has influenced few current and future graduate students to pursue eDNA related research as well. Patricija is now a Research Associate at the University of Calgary.
![Dr. Marjan](/servos-group/sites/default/files/uploads/images/p1030542.jpg)
![Brook trout](/servos-group/sites/default/files/uploads/images/p1030605.jpg)