Research Associate (Alumni)
Gerald is now with Environment Canada
- PhD: University of Waterloo, Aquatic Toxicology (2012): Thesis title: The Response of Wild Fish to Municipal Wastewater Effluent Exposures at Sites in Canada
- MSc: University of Waterloo, Aquatic Toxicology (2003): Thesis title: Monitoring the aquatic environment in the Alberta Athabasca Oil Sands using reproductive endpoints in small fish species
- BSc: University of Guelph; Honors Biology (1996)
Current research projects (funding source)
- Development of an Aquatic Cumulative Effects Assessment Framework for the Grand River Watershed: Project Coordinator (Canadian Water Network)
- Response of fish to remedial actions at selected Sewage Treatment Plants in the Grand River: Project Coordinator (Ontario Ministry of the Environment)
- Understanding the recovery of ecosystems from pulp and paper mill effluents (National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC))
- Reproductive Health Assessment of Wild Fish in the Athabasca Oil Sands (Environment Canada)
- Development, validation and application of cell assays for anti-androgenic compounds: (United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Duluth)
- Tracking Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Grand River (Trent University)

Research Interests
- How do human activities affect normal reproductive development in fish?
- Can we differentiate these affects from natural variability?
- What is the thresold where altered reproductive state influence reproductive success?
- How does impaired fish health influence the perseverance of a fish population?
- Can we link population effects to alterations in the fish community structure?
- North American Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) SETAC Laurentian Chapter
- American Fisheries Society (and Ontario Chapter)
- Grand River Conservation Authority Fisheries Management Plan Committee (Technical advisory sub-group).
In the past I have been a member of the Canadian Water Network Student and Young Professional Committee, and of the Aquatic Toxicology Workshop Board of Directors.