The gold standard for the evaluation of mobile health technology are Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs). However, the prohibitive cost of these evaluations normally lead to innovations that reach the market without the necessary evaluations and validations. Technology innovators are thirsty for a platform that could deliver meaningful insights without the costs.
Through a collaboration with the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation at the University Health Network (UHN) with Dr. Joseph Cafazzo, we are developing a platform that can deliver real-time insights on the usage of the mHealth and eHealth technology, in combination with associated health outcomes. This platform will enable researchers to:
- conduct A/B testing with different iterations of their apps,
- evaluate the effectiveness of different features of the apps,
- perform complex evaluations through factorial design, potentially replacing RCTs,
- evaluate the overall benefit for the app users, and
- help identify the best persuasive design tools to be used to target specific populations.
Project members:
Plinio Morita, Principal Investigator
Quynh Pham, PhD Student (UofT)
Last updated: April 17, 2018