Featured on Forbes: "Study Suggests Apple Watch Is Ready For Stress Tracking"
Using Apple Watch ECG Data for Heart Rate Variability Monitoring and Stress Prediction: A Pilot Study by Velmovitsky, P.E., Alencar, P., Leatherdale, S.T., Cowan, D., and Morita, P.P. has been published on Forbes!
This article pilots the collection of heart rate variability data from the Apple Watch electrocardiograph (ECG) sensor and applies machine learning techniques to develop a stress prediction tool. Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) were used to model stress based on ECG measurements and stress questionnaire data collected from 33 study participants. Overall, the results presented here suggest that, with further development and refinement, Apple Watch ECG sensor data could be used to develop a stress prediction tool. A wearable device capable of continuous, real-time stress monitoring would enable individuals to respond early to changes in their mental health. Furthermore, large-scale data collection from such devices would inform public health initiatives and policies.
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Study: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fdgth.2022.1058826/full